David Coppedge, B.S. Education, B.S. Physics, founded Creation-Evolution Headlines in late 2000 as a way to share science news he was encountering at NASA. It has grown into a highly-trusted source of news and commentary critical of the pro-Darwin consensus, providing analysis of breaking news of interest to creationists and evolutionists, without the Darwin spin. He has authored almost 5,000 entries at CEH since its inception.

David worked as a system administrator at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory from 1996 to 2011, almost all of it as a member of the Cassini team. For 9 of his 14 years at JPL, he was Team Lead System Administrator, responsible for most of the ground system computers for the prestigious mission to Saturn. He worked on the Cassini operations support team from before launch through cruise, tour, prime mission, first extended mission, and into the second extended mission, getting to know many of the world's most elite planetary scientists. In addition, he led JPL tours and was a Cassini outreach speaker to civic groups and astronomy clubs.

Coppedge's career was cut short by his advocacy of intelligent design. Sharing DVD's on intelligent design occasionally with co-workers, he was accused by a coworker and reported to the Human Resources department, which accused him of 'harassment' and ethics violations. He was demoted from his Team Lead position and eventually terminated, becoming another member of the prestigious "Expelled" community. His experience led to a nationally-publicized court trial about discrimination and retaliation in the workplace, supported by the Alliance Defending Freedom and the Discovery Institute. Unfortunately for him, almost a year after the trial, the lone judge in the case decided against him in January 2013 without explanation

Coppedge now devotes more time to Creation-Evolution Headlines and other ministries seeking to show where the scientific evidence leads.

Do Cosmologists See Clearly with Chickenwire?

They talk glibly about observing objects billions of light-years away, but their empiricism is tainted by assumptions.

Darwinians Leap Over Flight Origins

It's one giant leap for Darwinkind: how to explain the origin of powered flight without engineering.

Body Designs Not Often Considered

There's more going on under the skin and on the skin than we know.

Instant Mammals? LOL!

These evolutionists are either starting a new Darwin comedy show or are seriously deprived of logical thinking.

Dolphins Celebrated in Illustra Short Film

One of the fascinating segments from Illustra's documentary Living Waters, "Dolphins!" delights the senses in a short re-release.

Big Science Cred Collapsing

Beware, believers in the scientific method: science cannot exceed the honesty of its practitioners.

Rethinking Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs have come along way from the horror films decades ago; their image is evolving.

Stars Kill Their Planets

Many stars, including sunlike stars, murder their children. Only special conditions allow for habitability.

Fire the Useless Darwinists

Science will gain more respect if it terminates the Darwinians. They could serve society better as truck drivers or laundry workers.

The OOL Tease: NASA’s Ponzi Scheme

If you buy into NASA's perennial search for the origin of life, you'll lose it all. There's no collateral.

JWST Upsetting Cosmology

The James Webb Space Telescope is turning up contradictions to consensus views on cosmic evolution.

Hummingbirds and Humans Evolved by Mistake

To believe this evolutionary tale, one must accept that a genetic mistake created our beloved backyard acrobats.

Brain Waste Disposal System Discovered

It's not often that a new part of the brain is found. This one keeps our cerebrospinal fluid clean and disease-free.

Gene Sharing Is Not Evolution

Microbes in the ocean share genes in tiny bubbles, but where did the genes come from?

Oceans Mitigate Global Warming

New findings show that our ocean, and the unique molecule—water—are designed to ameliorate climate catastrophes.
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