Moral Passion by Evolutionists Makes No Sense

One needs a timeless, universal standard to declare what people should do. Evolution has no such thing.

Massive Study Finds No Evidence of a Gay Gene

Homosexual behavior has always been a challenge to explain by evolution.

Kazooki Theater: Darwinism Tolerates Kooky Speculation

No, an orangutan playing a kazoo cannot explain the origin of human language. Why do such ideas get favorable media press?

Meaning of Beauty Explained in Beautiful New Illustra Film

Why is there beauty in the living world? We all recognize it. The implications take center stage in the design-vs-Darwin debate.

Genomics Shows Evolutionary Theory Is Baseless

New study reveals that evolution does not have a weak foundation: it has NO foundation.

Are There As Many Stars as Sand Grains?

A video clip from Illustra Media attempts to answer a common question: How many stars are there?

Interpretation Must Not Outrun Evidence

Here's a funny story about scientific interpretation of evidence.

How Manipulators Subvert the Truth

Do not use these tactics on others. Be aware of how others might be using them on you.

Bird Development in Stunning Video

The orchestration of a bird from egg to chick is shown in astonishing detail by Illustra Media.

Scientific Data Does Not Interpret Itself

Here's a funny story about why data must always be interpreted by humans, who are often fallible.

Are Scientific Models Reductionist?

Scientific models can be useful in science, as long as one is aware of their limitations.

Lessons from Noah’s Ark

A fun collection of lessons people can take from the story of Noah's Ark!

Did God Need a Creator?

Answering a common argument by atheists for the existence of God.

Why Tolerance Is Impossible

Love is good, but tolerance is impossible. Why? Because the very idea is self-refuting.

Evolution Did Not Cause Back Pain

Dr Jerry Bergman debunks the notion that back pain was caused by humans evolving from apes to walk upright.
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