Sea Sponge Makes Flexible Glass

How do you make glass that bends without breaking? Learn from a lowly sponge. Then look around for other ideas.

How Flamingos Stand on One Foot

Mysteries of the universe unfold: how can flamingos sleep while standing on one foot? And why is it good to know?

Weekend Digest, May 6, 2017

Here's a collection of quick takes on interesting developments in the science news, from Saturn to a possible cure for malaria; from your liver to Sunday funnies.

Small Wonders: Arthropods With Superpowers

Robot designers know that making things big is easy, but making them small is hard. How do you pack a multitude of capabilities in a tiny space? Consider these little guys.

Biological Designs Worth Imitating

If these designs are so good that intelligent minds want to mimic them, who can believe they emerged by chance?

Evolutionists Underestimate the Human Brain

To understand human exceptionalism, we will have to first eradicate fake science promulgated by dismissive materialists.

Weekend Biomimetics Showcase

The focus in biology these days is on design. Here's evidence.

Strange and Wonderful Animals Explored

Look at what scientists are learning about some common animals, and others not so common.

Stem Cell Digest

Scan these headlines for news about stem cells: the unethical kind (embryonic, ESC) and the ethical kind (adult, induced pluripotent, iPSC).

Learn Your Body Toolkit

Here are some tricks of living in a human body that you may not know about, because they happen automatically.

Big Science Loves ID – Sometimes

Despite institutional rejection of intelligent design, researchers are attracted to ID when it can make money, make them famous, or advance understanding of nature.

Animals Can Be Smarter Than You Think

Here are four organisms with surprising mental powers.

Year-End Biomimetics Parade

What better way to end the year than a celebration of biomimetics, where fun and useful science never ends thanks to nature's inspiring designs?

What Good Is a Hairball?

When you start looking for clues to good designs in nature, the results are everywhere.

Inspiring Life Tricks

These tricks are enough to make an inventor run to the patent office.
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