Meteorites Shock Plant Material in Time Capsules

Bits of organic matter, leaves, and cells have been preserved in glass shocked by meteor impacts. Could they last millions of years?

Fossil Plant Soft Tissue Didn't Evolve

Original material in a fossil has been detected, this time from a leaf that is identical to modern leaves despite an alleged 50 million years.

Biomimetics Is All About Design Inspiration

Scientists wouldn't rush to design things after nature's examples if they weren't well designed.

Fossil Facts and Fantasies

The stories told about some fossils raise more questions than answers, even with top Darwin spin doctors in the operating room.

Parasites Can Help the Ecology

A parasitologist suggests that parasites don't just rob and steal; they usually do good as functional players in an ecosystem.

Turkeys Aren't Stupid

Turkeys that are inspiring homeland security technology are just one example of hot designs engineers are finding in the biosphere's treasure chest.

Flower in Amber Shows No Evolution

The details in a flower said to be 100 million years old look just like those in modern flowers.

Crude Oil in One Hour, Not Millions of Years

A slurry of algae with the right heat and pressure can produce crude oil in one hour.

Engineering Designs Found Throughout the Biosphere

News from biomimetics is coming in so fast, there's only time for brief mentions in a growing list of living designs worth copying.

Look Up, Look Down at Natural Design

Swimmers, flyers, and things that just sit in the sun are the envy of bioengineers.

Tropical Trees Found in Antarctica

Fossilized stumps of tropical trees show that Antarctica was once forested.

Three New and Different Biomimetics Stories

There appears to be no end of ways to imitate nature's designs.

Life Keeps Quality Time

Several recent findings describe how living organisms keep accurate time in surprising ways.

Better Health Through Nature

Humans were meant to thrive in the environment. We sequester ourselves from the natural world at our own peril.

Evolutionists Move Dates Around Often: Is It Progress?

Hardly a month goes by without a new story that such-and-such a plant or animal evolved earlier or later than thought, often by hundreds of millions of years. Are they converging on a clearer picture, or just shuffling the chairs on the deck?
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