Roach Bait Story Highlights Abuse of Word "Evolution"

Evolution is one of the most carelessly-used words in science, as several recent articles show. Not all change is evolution the way Darwin meant it.

Out-of-Order Fossils Make Darwinists Wave Hands

When a fossil violates Darwinist expectations, it never falsifies the theory. It just creates a new round of imaginative gesticulations.

Talking Plants and Secret Networks

There was a time when talking plants was mythology. Now, it's science.

Burning Plants Tell Seeds When to Germinate

Forest fire ash is not all useless. It contains signaling molecules that can switch on the next generation of plants.

How Intricate Patterns Grow in Flowers, Feathers

How does a growing flower bud or feather follicle know where to put the intricate colors and patterns on a mature flower or feather? Scientists are beginning to get partial answers.

Weekend Entertainment: Evolutionary Just-So Stories

When you see a science headline in the form "How the .... got its ...." prepare for a laugh. Now, even some evolutionists are laughing.

Biomimetics Roundup

Here's a quick rundown of news on new technologies emerging from the study of plants, animals, and cells.

Wood You Cellulose for Starch?

Cellulose is the most abundant biomolecule, but how it's made still baffles scientists. Soon, though, you may be able to eat it.

Scientific Findings Can Be Counterintuitive

Here are examples of recent claims in science that seem to contradict what some would consider intuitively obvious. They should be kept in mind when evaluating other scientific truisms, like evolution.

Evolutionists Multiply Miracles

If evolution could develop a complex structure once, defying all probability, then maybe it could do it multiple times, some evolutionists theorize.

Was Charlemagne Protected from a Cosmic Disaster? A Carbon-14 Mystery

Tree ring data from the 8th century hint that a cosmic catastrophe was averted on the "privileged planet."

Wilt Thou? Not with Guards in the Chem Lab

Plants avoid wilting with pairs of guard cells performing chemical wizardry.

Happy New Biomimetics Year

The variety of design applications coming from the imitation of natural solutions continues to be astonishing.

An Unexpected Forest Helper: Mistletoe

Long thought a tree-killing bane, parasitic mistletoe appears to do much more good than harm to a forest ecology.

More Falsified Darwinian Expectations

Scientists continue finding the real world to be opposite evolutionary expectations. Here are some recent examples.
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