Darwin and Evolution Surprises in Evolutionary Tales August 24, 2014 From spiders to crocodiles, animals rarely evolved the way they should have. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Lower Animals: "Lower" Does Not Mean "Simpler" August 1, 2014 Here are a few "lower" animals worth knowing about. They reveal astonishing design throughout the living world, but little support for evolution. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Animal Physics: Shocking but True July 14, 2014 Geckos cling with electricity, and electric fish have shocking genes – just samples of recent reports about how animals master laws of physics. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Wonders Under the Sea July 9, 2014 Three ocean creatures have surprised scientists with new discoveries of previously-unknown capabilities. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Life Worth Imitating July 7, 2014 The living treasure chest of biological designs opens wider each week, inspiring human engineers to improve human health and productivity. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Mantis Shrimp Baffles Evolutionists July 6, 2014 Stomatopods, popularly known as mantis shrimp, possess several unique abilities that defy evolution. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics New Amazing Animal Discoveries June 25, 2014 From spiders to mammals, the living world never ceases to amaze us with new wonders. Some are inspiring new technologies. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Homage to Diatoms June 19, 2014 Twenty percent of the air you are breathing came from tiny animals living in crystal cathedrals. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Man Climbs Glass Like a Gecko June 18, 2014 Bio-inspired technologies are starting to reach the market. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution An Animal Cannot Be On the Way to Evolving Something June 17, 2014 No animal can plan ahead how it will evolve, so why do some evolutionists talk like they do? CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology Without Bromine, There Would Be No Animals June 13, 2014 A 28th element has proven to be essential for life: bromine. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Soft Tissue Found in Chile Ichthyosaur Bonanza June 9, 2014 They were buried in the deep sea, but are becoming exposed under a glacier in southern Chile. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Comb Jellies Force Evolutionists into Absurd Hypotheses June 5, 2014 Could something as complex as a nervous system evolve twice independently? That's what Darwinists are saying after looking at the genes of comb jellies. CONTINUE READING
Fossils When Is a Fossil Not a Fossil? Oldest "Fossil" Debunked June 1, 2014 Certain trace fossils said to be 3.45 billion years old are probably not fossils at all, a reassessment finds. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Life Shows Exquisite Engineering and Optimization May 29, 2014 Engineers drool over animal capabilities. How would mutation and natural selection deal with these examples of design perfection? CONTINUE READING