How Well Do Evolutionists Understand Extinctions?

Earth history is littered with five mass extinctions, evolutionists claim. How solid is their evidence?

Biomimetics Is All About Design Inspiration

Scientists wouldn't rush to design things after nature's examples if they weren't well designed.

Bizarre Animal Discoveries

Strange things have been coming to light about animals we knew and animals we didn't; bizarre animals, and normal animals with bizarre traits.

Fossil Facts and Fantasies

The stories told about some fossils raise more questions than answers, even with top Darwin spin doctors in the operating room.

Cat Whiskers and Narwhal Tusks: Why Things Are

In the animal world, unique features often have well-designed functions.

Cosmos 2.0 Repeats the Flaws of Cosmos 1.0

Neil de Grasse Tyson is showing himself to be a good disciple of Carl Sagan, never questioning his master.

Parasites Can Help the Ecology

A parasitologist suggests that parasites don't just rob and steal; they usually do good as functional players in an ecosystem.

Fossil Whale Already Had Echolocation

Once again, a complex trait appears fully formed and functional in the fossil record.

How Useful Is Evolutionary Theory?

In science, it's not enough to have a paradigm that merely keeps scientists busy, if they are rarely right.

Exceptional Beauty and Design in Animals

Here are four animals, some you probably never heard of, that deserve design awards for art and technology.

Chile Whale Fossil Site Explained

At least 40 baleen whales and other species of marine mammals fossilized in a dry desert of Chile have been explained with a "toxic bloom" theory. Does it explain all the findings?

Evolutionary Explanations Add Illogic to Speculation

Some evolutionary explanations may sound reasonable until you do the accounting from Darwin's explanatory resources.

Biomimetics Quiz

Match the living thing with the technology being developed by imitating its design features.

Tree Crocodiles and Other Surprising Animals

Scientists have a lot to learn about living animals before presuming to speak of long-lost extinct ones.

Ichthyosaur Fossilized Giving Birth

Caught in the act: another fossil shows an extinct marine reptile giving birth to live young.
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