Questions Materialists Fail to Ask

Evolutionary biologists and non-theistic scientists ask the wrong questions and avoid some obvious ones.

To Solve Problems, Look to Nature

A wealth of engineering solutions is all around us if we but observe and learn.

Do Horse Toes Support Evolution?

The loss of horse-hoofed toes: scientists baffled about why they were lost. But were they?

Amber Fossils: Comparing Explanations

Explaining a fossil's history is not an observation; it is an inference from assumptions.

Body Size Change Is Not Evolution

Evolutionists keep looking for laws to make Darwinism scientific. There are too many exceptions.

How Deer Grow Antlers

Some species of deer grow full sets of antlers every year. Learn what stem cells have to do with this.

Biogeography: Whose Problem?

Don't think that evolutionists are immune from vexing questions about where species have dispersed.

Light Shows in Nature Reflect the Wisdom of the Light-Giver

July 4th in America is celebrated with lights. Here are some celebrations of note within nature.

Blinking is a Big Problem for Evolution

New research supports creation, not evolution.

Wolf Reintroduction: Why the Fascination With Predators?

  WHY THE FASCINATION WITH PREDATORS? by J.Y. Jones, MD Even a cursory review of the literature will show that the steamroller called “wolf reintroduction” has already rumbled past and become unstoppable. Coloradans narrowly passed a measure approving wolf reintroduction west of the Continental Divide in 2020. This referendum gave considerable authority to the Colorado […]

The Elephant Trunk: New Illustra Film Released

Awesome wonders of a most versatile instrument come to light in Illustra's latest masterpiece.

Earth Life Is a Shadow of Its Former Greatness

Evolutionary progress? No. Look at the fossil record to witness higher "fitness" than today.

Hummingbird Beak Is a Nectar Wringer

New high-speed movies of hummingbirds show how nectar in the retracting tongue is drawn into the mouth.

Darwin Gets a Tongue Lashing

An article on the evolution of the tongue deserves the Bronx cheer.

Out On a Limb: The Evolution of Olympians

Pole vaulters, gymnasts, and hurdlers got their start by accident in precocious fish, say evolutionists.
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