Human Body Reasons for Thanksgiving in Your Body Cells November 23, 2016 Here are things you probably didn't know about your body. Now that you know, you'll have more reasons to be thankful tomorrow. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Mammal Champs Strut Their (Unevolved) Stuff November 21, 2016 Here's a showcase of very different mammals all deserving of the same thing: admiration. You don't do that by attributing them to evolution. CONTINUE READING
SETI Alien Religion Unrebuked November 20, 2016 Big Science only forbids some religions, like those with evidence. The wacky ones pass right by the censors. CONTINUE READING
Media Big Science Has Corrupted Its Mission November 17, 2016 If the leading journal Nature is any example, Big Science has unmasked itself as a left-leaning, political, ideological movement. CONTINUE READING
SETI The End of SETI November 16, 2016 Here's what a strong belief in materialistic SETI leads to: complete intellectual implosion. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Unlocking Mental Control of the Body November 12, 2016 Neuroscientists are finding ways to give people control they have lost because of bodily limitations. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Today's Science Hates Faith November 6, 2016 There are individual scientists who believe in God, but their institutions ridicule any and all forms of "faith." CONTINUE READING
Education Communism Left Science in Ruins November 3, 2016 Two articles comment on the devastation wreaked on science by atheistic, totalitarian regimes. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Man's Days Are Numbered October 30, 2016 The heart beats earlier than expected, but seems to have a limit. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Violence Is Natural, Darwinians Say October 23, 2016 The implications of saying violence is a product of natural selection are disturbing. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Planning Your Next Revolutionary Invention October 22, 2016 To innovate something people will want, follow the leader: the Creator of living creatures. CONTINUE READING
Media So Much for Stone Tools October 20, 2016 There goes the flaked stone tool as a measure of hominin intelligence, now that monkeys can unintentionally make them, too. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Mental Miracles You Don't Know About October 18, 2016 Your brain and eyes do things that scientists didn't discover till recently. CONTINUE READING
Health Adult Stem Cells Continue to Promote Healing October 15, 2016 Here's the latest on adult stem cells and how they are transforming regenerative medicine without harming embryos. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics The Left Has Enslaved Science October 13, 2016 Big Science is leftism's pet, and the sexual revolutionaries keep it on a choke chain. CONTINUE READING