Science Without Ethics Is Dangerous

Science cannot operate with ethics. Ugly things can happen when scientists ignore ethical boundaries.

Evolutionary Explanations Add Illogic to Speculation

Some evolutionary explanations may sound reasonable until you do the accounting from Darwin's explanatory resources.

Archaeologist Walks a Mile for Camel Smoke

History should provide warnings to those who say the Bible is wrong. Did camels arrive in Israel too late for Abraham?

Just Say No! to Evolutionary Speculation

"Prove it!" used to be the goal of science. With rampant speculation in the science news media, it's time to demand accountability.

The Human Being Is a Valuable Design

There's more amazing technology going on inside you than meets the eye. Should not human life be honored and protected?

Darwin Day Came and Went

Except among certain special-interest groups, Darwin Day seems to have been a non-event, but one Darwinist won an award for Censor of the Year.

Fact Checkers, Spin Doctors Go to Work After Creation Debate

Neither side feels their champion scored a clear victory in the creation debate. Now it's time to evaluate who had the better facts and logic under fire.

Bill Nye Scores on Debate Presentation if Not Logic

In the widely-publicized debate with Ken Ham, Bill Nye could not account for the laws of logic, but it won't matter to many listeners wooed by his charm.

Here Comes Cosmos Again

Carl Sagan's TV series Cosmos is coming back in version 2.0 with a new cast of atheists to spread the gospel of scientism.

Imagining Worlds – No Evidence Required

Science fiction is fun, but science demands evidence, not imagination.

Can Anticreationist Rhetoric Survive Debate?

Darwinist rhetoric thrives when it's the only show in town.

Nobel Prize Winner Fights Tyranny of Big Scientific Journals

He's on a campaign to bring power to the people.

You Are Not a Comb Jelly

Reports that ctenophores are ancestors of all animals hide uncomfortable findings for evolution about the comb jelly's genome.

Extreme Speculation Presented as Science

Things no one could possibly ever know are being reported by science journals and news sites as things worthy of scientific faith.

Got Scientism? Champions of "Science" All Leftists

The Union of Concerned Scientists' list of champions only includes those who take far-left political stances on the issues.
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