Human Body Body Secrets You Never Heard Of July 10, 2014 Your body is performing hi-tech processes all the time that (thank goodness) you never have to think about. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Start Over: The Evolution of Planets Is All Wrong July 5, 2014 Ideas about planetary evolution are so far off base with observations of exoplanets, it's time to wipe the slate clean. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics The Science of Politics and Vice Versa July 4, 2014 Some scientists try to put conservatives and liberals in test tubes. This can cause fireworks. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Secularists Adrift with Embryonic Ethics July 2, 2014 From stem cells to genetically-modified embryos, technology is outpacing ethical rules, and secular ethicists are at a loss what to endorse. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Archive Classic: State of the Cosmos 2005: Alan Guth Explains Inflation July 1, 2014 As Alan Guth rises to prominence this year for his inflation proposal, it might be useful for readers to see what he said about it in 2005. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Existence of Universe Is Highly Improbable June 30, 2014 Theologians might rightly celebrate a recognition by cosmologists that the universe is so finely-tuned, it shouldn't exist. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Sunday Funnies June 29, 2014 Here are some silly evolution claims crossing the news wires. Some evolutionists appear to have little more to do than speculate and spin stories. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Light Speed Implications Are Staggering June 27, 2014 A new paper revises the speed of light. This could change everything in the universe. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Archive Classic: How Darwinism Produces Job Security June 25, 2014 This entry from 12/22/2003 we have referenced often, because it illustrates how Darwin changed science into storytelling. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Cosmic Inflation Proof Is on the Ropes June 24, 2014 The highly-acclaimed evidence of inflation theory announced in March may only be a signal from local dust. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Scientists Equate Evolution to "Stuff Happens" June 23, 2014 Researchers generalize findings that evolution depends on rare chance events. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Choosing to Believe in Free Will June 22, 2014 Free will matters to children. It had better exist. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Keeping Titan Old June 21, 2014 As the Cassini orbiter makes its 103rd close pass by Titan, have long-agers found ways to keep it billions of years old? CONTINUE READING
Early Man Neanderthal Ancestry Becomes More Convoluted June 20, 2014 Reports from a Spanish Cave are producing a welter of opinions about what evolved into whom, and when. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Homage to Diatoms June 19, 2014 Twenty percent of the air you are breathing came from tiny animals living in crystal cathedrals. CONTINUE READING