Another epic photo of Earth from space was taken on July 19 of Earth from Saturn by Cassini, and released on July 22. From Mercury, the MESSENGER spacecraft also portrayed Earth as a small dot.
When completely unrelated animals or plants display the same engineering solution, is it reasonable to assume a blind, unguided process of selection achieved improbable outcomes multiple times? Is calling it "convergent evolution" meaningful? Here are three examples.
Compare two countries: in one, when their hegemony is threatened, evolutionists plead for academic freedom. In another, they deny it to those who want a chance to debate evolution.
Science news sites are talking about the evolution of human throwing, but it's mostly speculation based on prior faith in Darwinism. The real story is good design in the human shoulder.
More evidence has been presented for a "voluminous" flood on Mars, where there is no water today. So why is a comparable flood disfavored for Earth, where water covers 70% of the surface?
Celebrating gay marriage is not the only leftist position frequently advocated by secular science news sites. They follow party-line liberal views with few exceptions, and now openly advocate leftist ideas.