Scientific American Prints Big Lies

Does white supremacy motivate rejection of evolution? Time to set the record straight!

Science Mismeasures Itself

Blundering along, Big Science creates perverse incentives and ignores its biases while awarding itself happy face stickers.

Echoes of Nazism Haunt New Medical Ethics Guidelines

Moving Toward Nazism? Are Stem Cell Research Limits Going Too Far?   by Jerry Bergman, PhD Introduction The philosophical and scientific creep towards Nazism may have now begun. First, a review of what happened in Nazi Germany. The story begins in the early 1900s in efforts to breed humans with what evolution claims are our […]

Retraction Note: “Evolution of Religion” Study Pulled

Nature has egg on its face. Its peer-reviewed paper on the evolution of "moralizing gods" was found immoral.

Big Science Pushed Anti-Science Agenda on Masks

Science’s reputation has been tarnished by a consensus that used flawed science to inflict health risks on millions of students for over a year.

Science Will Not Endure Radicalism

So far, the radical Left has thought Big Science is on its side. That friendship may not last much longer.

Making People Drunk for Science

Even if declared legal, ethical and transparent with participant approval, there are things scientists should not do.

Science Prestige Crumbles

Public trust in science has taken drastic hits lately, and Big Science admits it. What will be required to get back its respect?

How to Correct a Theophobe

Psychologists are the worst when it comes to illogical theories about the "evolution of religion."

150 Years of Darwin’s Dangerous Book

The 150th anniversary of the most dangerous book ever published: Darwin’s racism and sexism is now acknowledged.

Darwin’s Racism Under Fire

The truth finally comes out in a leading science magazine: Darwin was a first-class racist.

Scientists Chip Away at Ethics

When a human being is a commodity, atrocities follow. The time to stop it is before acceleration down the slippery slope.

Science Capitulates to Leftism

Finding any science journal or science reporter who takes a conservative position is hopeless now.

Can You Have Godliness without God?

Secular scientists attempt to promote righteousness through human effort.

Christians Are Not Lab Rats

Social scientists who try to put Christians in their test tubes have the roles completely reversed.
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