Philosophy of Science Big Science Fossilizes Rapidly October 5, 2021 There's no soft tissue in big scientific research fields when consensus sets in. CONTINUE READING
Media How to Turn Dunning-Kruger Inside Out September 25, 2021 The Dunning-Kruger Effect is supposed to prove that ignorant people are the most confident. It's fake news. CONTINUE READING
Media Peer Review Evolves Without Intelligent Design September 20, 2021 Humans have brains, but they can do things that look downright Darwinian, as in "Darwin Awards." CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Archive Classic: Mao Zedong Killed 77 Million for Darwin September 11, 2021 On the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, we post this reminder that Darwin-drunk tyrants did far, far worse. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Science Needs Evolution Like It Needs Terrorism September 8, 2021 Don't follow the hype that Darwinian principles are useful for science, medicine or politics. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Anti-Christian Science Becoming More Blatant September 4, 2021 The first step in persecution is portraying a group as standing in the way of progress. To many, a credible synonym for "progress" is "science." CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Blacks Realize Evolution Is Racist, Thus Few Become Evolutionary Biologists September 3, 2021 A recent scientific paper tried to understand the following concern: “Why are there so few ethnic minorities in evolutionary biology?” CONTINUE READING
Education Poll Claims a Majority of Americans Say They Accept Evolution August 30, 2021 One reason is indoctrination into Darwinism in public schools. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwinism Undermines Values August 23, 2021 The Social Darwinists preached a dog-eat-dog society. What are Darwinists preaching today? The same thing. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Gays Use Science Journal to Propagandize August 20, 2021 Nature's open-access journal allows 3 "scientists" to lie in a survey that pushes the homosexual agenda. CONTINUE READING
Media Social Darwinists Are Mentally Unbalanced August 18, 2021 New survey shows Darwinism’s supporters are mentally unbalanced — a conclusion that many of us felt was true before this study was done. CONTINUE READING
Media Don’t Follow the (Bad) Science August 17, 2021 The literature of science is littered with retracted papers, lies, bias, embarrassments and bad ideas that refuse to die. CONTINUE READING
Media Weekend Funnies and Surprises August 14, 2021 This is an assortment of news items that update previous posts, with some surprising discoveries tossed in. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science How to Avoid Climate Screams August 9, 2021 The epistemology of climate science reveals a wide gap between alarmism and empiricism. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Gender Is a Fact, Not a Choice August 5, 2021 With rare exceptions, there are males and there are females, and they are distinguishable by science. CONTINUE READING