Darwin and Evolution Purify Science by Kicking Darwin Out August 16, 2023 Science writers would do well to apply a Darwin Filter before putting pen to paper. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics To Solve Problems, Look to Nature July 27, 2023 A wealth of engineering solutions is all around us if we but observe and learn. CONTINUE READING
Mammals How Deer Grow Antlers July 14, 2023 Some species of deer grow full sets of antlers every year. Learn what stem cells have to do with this. CONTINUE READING
Health Did God Really Create Us Male and Female? July 12, 2023 A peer-reviewed study published in a leading scientific journal finds transgender transitioning causes far more harm than benefit. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Repair Implies Foresight Implies Design July 11, 2023 Multiple mechanisms are at work maintaining the body and repairing injuries to cells and tissues. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionary Trees Tangle With the Data June 23, 2023 Evolutionary trees based on genetics conflict with those based on morphology and anatomy. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Redundancy in the Genetic Code Serves an Engineering Purpose June 21, 2023 It's not wasteful to keep multiple copies of genes in the genome, a test of redundancy shows. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology Internal Beauty: the Nuclear Pore Complex June 16, 2023 Like a 3-D puzzle solved in 15 minutes, the nuclear envelope is a wonder to behold. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Genome Maintenance Defies Evolution June 14, 2023 Darwinism cannot explain the multi-part systems required to maintain the DNA code. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Historian Agrees: Darwin and Eugenics Led to the Holocaust May 11, 2023 Historians are finally coming clean about how Darwinism birthed eugenics which spawned the Holocaust. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Evolutionists Hold Mammal Party April 28, 2023 Scientists collate hundreds of mammal genomes to display the explanatory power of Darwin trees, but are some important questions being begged? CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Evangelist Preaches World Peace by Natural Selection April 27, 2023 David Sloan Wilson is still at it, seeing evolution as a hammer and every human problem as a nail. CONTINUE READING
Mammals The Human in the Elephant Room April 14, 2023 Man: domesticate thyself. Make like an elephant. Or, maybe humans already did. Or elephants did. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Much Ado About Ryugu March 23, 2023 Uracil, a molecule found in RNA, has been reported in an asteroid. From media hype, one would think they discovered life. CONTINUE READING
Genetics How Could Sex Evolve? March 17, 2023 It still baffles Darwinists after all these years. A new PNAS article reinforces the challenge of explaining the evolution of sex. CONTINUE READING