How DNA Is Packaged in Sperm Cells

No Evidence Exists for Sperm Evolution: More Complex than Assume Just a Few Months ago

Savory Stories About Salt

What do these articles have in common? Sodium chloride, a common substance with wide application.

Archive: Tiny RNAs Discovered (2001)

The discovery of micro-RNAs, announced 22 years ago, launched a huge new effort into epigenetics: cataloging and understanding the many parts of the cell that regulate genes.

Darwinism as a Driver of Useless Busy Work

What drives some scientists to absurd levels of much ado about nothing?

Flawed Research Underlies Gender Confusion

From two sexes to sixty genders in only a few decades. Are they inborn? New research reeks of speculation.

Archive: Darwin, Mendel, and Style

Two entries from Creation-Evolution Headlines twenty years ago show that doubts about Darwin go way back.

Ancient DNA Speaks

Evolutionists are still not facing the challenge of ancient DNA to Deep Time.

Humpty Darwin Totters on the Wall

The reign of natural selection theory has long been tenuous and may be nearing collapse.

Human Population Bottleneck Admitted by Secular Geneticists

Secular scientists now claim that the human population almost died out. Does this match the Biblical record?

Genetics of Skin Color Defies Evolution

Skin color: We used to believe it was produced by 3 genes; the number is now 135.

Purify Science by Kicking Darwin Out

Science writers would do well to apply a Darwin Filter before putting pen to paper.

To Solve Problems, Look to Nature

A wealth of engineering solutions is all around us if we but observe and learn.

How Deer Grow Antlers

Some species of deer grow full sets of antlers every year. Learn what stem cells have to do with this.

Did God Really Create Us Male and Female?

A peer-reviewed study published in a leading scientific journal finds transgender transitioning causes far more harm than benefit.

Repair Implies Foresight Implies Design

Multiple mechanisms are at work maintaining the body and repairing injuries to cells and tissues.
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