A Change of Climate in Human Evolution Storytelling

New findings continue to complicate theories of human evolution. Maybe they can sound trendy by dragging climate change into it.

The Wisdom of Doubting Scientific Consensus

If you wait long enough, scientists will find exceptions to their dogmas and will have to rethink everything.

New Evolution Idea Stuck in Old Darwin Fogma

They call it cryptic persistence, but it's nothing new under the sun.

Spontaneous Abortion: A Pro-Life View

Why are so many embryos spontaneously aborted very early in pregnancy? Is it due to "selfish chromosomes" or design?

Dogging Evolution

The origin of dogs has been solved! Or is that just dogma?
Evolution: Possible or Impossible?

Coppedge Book Is Back Online

Long overdue, we have just re-uploaded Dr James F Coppedge's classic, Evolution: Possible or Impossible? to our website.

Pathogens Devolved

They're calling it evolution, but it's easier to be a freeloader than an independent organism.

Do Mutations Provide New Genetic Information?

The source of new genetic information is still a large thorn in the side of evolutionary theory.

Darwin’s Tree Chopped Down

Evolutionists lied, people died, but you can trust what they're saying now.

Adult Body Proportions Partly Solved

Progress in solving the mystery of adult-size similarity in animals: new genetic process sheds light on how organ proportionality works.

Evolutionists Justify Infanticide

When your starting assumption is, "Whatever exists evolved," you can rationalize any atrocity as normal.

Mutations Are Not the Main Source of Genetic Variety for Evolution

New research study has created more problems for neo-Darwinism

Genetic Sex Runs Deep

Genetic sex is found to determine muscle communications with other body tissues.

Body Was Created for Healing Itself

New discoveries point out automatic mechanisms for repair and health. Could disease result from failure of these processes?

Mutations Are Not Neutral

It should be obvious that random mistakes cannot be good. A new study confirms that intuition.
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