Genetics Autism: Another Example of Evolution Misleading Science with Tragic Results June 6, 2019 Darwinians taught for decades that noncoding DNA consisted of evolutionary leftovers, but science is finding more and more functions in it. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Godzilla Evolves, and Other Darwin Silliness June 4, 2019 When evolution is your proverbial hammer, you can go crazy pounding everything that looks like a nail. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Atheists Do Not Exist June 2, 2019 Being an atheist is impossible. Everyone believes in the supernatural and in miracles. CONTINUE READING
Mammals The Pangolin: The Strangest Animal Known to Man May 31, 2019 This animal's tough, overlapping, reptile-protective keratin scales make it look like a giant pinecone with a long, thin reptile-tail CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Designed Selection Is Not Evolution May 28, 2019 When you insert mindful choice or programmed choice into a process, Darwinism disappears. CONTINUE READING
Birds Be-WAIR of Clawed Birds May 24, 2019 Evolutionists have not come up with a better theory for bird flight than a silly hypothesis concocted 16 years ago. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology Automatic Emergency Brake Found on Molecular Motor May 22, 2019 Ross Anderson discusses a new finding about how an 'emergency brake' works in one of the most vital of all molecular machines, ATP synthase. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Inserting Darwin Where He Doesn’t Belong May 21, 2019 Chuck-in-the-Box keeps popping up in scientific literature having nothing to do with his theory. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Can a Dinosaur Have Bat-Like Wings? May 20, 2019 Calling something a dinosaur doesn't make it a dinosaur. This animal had more in common with a bat, says Dr Jerry Bergman. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Evolutionist Cries, We Must Stop Human Evolution! May 19, 2019 A few sentences from this evolutionist's plea should cure theologians of theistic evolution. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Super Designs in Amazing Animals, Part I May 16, 2019 Animals of all kinds, sizes and shapes have mastered physical principles in astonishing ways. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Unusual Fossils Call for Unusual Explanations May 15, 2019 Some recent fossil finds require creative storytelling, but the science is the data –not the story. CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts Complex Eyes of ‘Simple’ Clams Confound Darwin May 13, 2019 The eyes of the lowly scallop have eyes of exquisite design, built on a principle unrelated to any putative evolutionary sequence. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Extreme Fine Tuning in Body Cells, Part 2 May 11, 2019 Here are two examples of an ultra-fine balance between function and disease inside the cells of our body's sensory cells (Part 2). CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Extreme Fine Tuning in Body Cells, Part I May 10, 2019 Here are just two examples of an ultra-fine balance between function and disease inside the cells of our body's sensory cells (Part 1 of 2). CONTINUE READING