Goofy OOL to Make Fools Drool

OOL (origin of life) material is shoveled out like Halloween candy to gullible kids, unaware they are being given poison.

Evolution Is a Magic Word

Media use the word "evolution" in articles that have nothing to do with it. It's as if the word has magical powers to conjure up awe.

Consciousness Is Not Computable

A key principle of materialism and physicalism is that all processes must be reducible to matter and energy.

Lee Berger’s New Hominid Is a Non-Starter

How many times can you shake up a family tree before the family concept becomes a myth?

Darwin Got It Wrong

More findings contradict Darwinian principles. When will scientists jump his sinking ship?

Saturn-Day and Moon-Day Arrive

Last Saturday, we looked at news about Saturn and its rings. This "Saturn"-day we look at news about Saturn's moons.

OOL Follies for the Gullible

The origin of life is perhaps the tallest hurdle for evolutionists. But they imagine leaping over it.

Antibiotic Resistance Is Shared, Not Evolved

Growing evidence undermines commonly-cited examples of evolution happening right before our eyes.

Turkana Boy Hurts Evolutionary Narratives

Scientists cannot conclude even basic information from the most complete human skeleton ever found.

Psychologist, Fix Your Own Problems

Evolutionary psychologists dare to tell normal people about their problems. They have enough of their own.

Recapitulation Theory Zombie Needs Permanent Burial

Haeckel's myth that embryos relive their evolutionary past keeps reviving. Evolutionists need to give it up.

Kazooki Theater: Darwinism Tolerates Kooky Speculation

No, an orangutan playing a kazoo cannot explain the origin of human language. Why do such ideas get favorable media press?

Meaning of Beauty Explained in Beautiful New Illustra Film

Why is there beauty in the living world? We all recognize it. The implications take center stage in the design-vs-Darwin debate.

Genomics Shows Evolutionary Theory Is Baseless

New study reveals that evolution does not have a weak foundation: it has NO foundation.

Evolution Did Not Cause Back Pain

Dr Jerry Bergman debunks the notion that back pain was caused by humans evolving from apes to walk upright.
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