Some Pathogens Are Surprisingly Young

Did pathogens like viruses and bacteria appear recently? Do evolutionists have solid theories of where they came from?

Nature Knows Best

Recent news articles show how engineers and inventors are helping mankind by imitating what plants, cells and animals do every day. A new kind of vaccine based on spider silk (Science Daily). Because spider silk is tough and yet biodegradable, it can be used as a delivery capsule for vaccines that might otherwise be resisted […]

Incredible Fish that Defy Evolution

The variety of shapes, colors and ecological niches of fishes prove too much for chance mutations and unguided processes to handle.

Origin of Agriculture Defies Evolutionary Long Ages

Evolutionists are at a loss to explain why agriculture arose suddenly in many regions relatively recently.

Marvelous un-Darwinian Mammals

Some familiar and unfamiliar mammals share their secrets of extreme adaptation and survival.

Evolutionists Think Your Brain is a Mistake

No religion teaches a miracle as absurd as the idea that a mutation led to human intelligence.

Is It Becoming Safer to Doubt Darwin?

One recent secular news article leaves Darwin flailing without answers, but don't expect a revolution just yet.

First Lizard Was 100% Lizard

Evolutionists celebrate the earliest fossil lizard, but have to push back the origin of lizards by 75 million years.

Evolutionists Shove Uncooperative Data into Darwinian Stories

If you're a Darwinian, your strategy is to make it seem like every piece of biological data fits evolution, even when it doesn't. Otherwise, creationists might get ideas.

Freaks of Evolution Exposed

A science writer calls some weird animals freaks of evolution, but there's a double meaning in that phrase begging to be unpacked.

New Book Unmasks Darwinist Censors

Book reveals shocking accounts of harm done to Darwin skeptics by intolerant Darwinist bigots in positions of power in today's institutions of science and media.

Irresponsible Reporters Push Evolution With Silly Notions

The silliest news reports in the science genre usually concern evolution. Immune from serious criticism, Darwinism should be a laughingstock, but is the darling of secular reporters.

Scientists Should Go to Church

A plague of research misconduct bothers leading journal editors. How are they going to evolve integrity? By preaching to matter in motion?

This Plant Beats the Venus Flytrap for Speed

The waterwheel plant, an aquatic species with a snap-trap faster than the Venus flytrap, is different enough to challenge evolutionary speculations.

Darwinism Animalizes Human Values

What could be more noble than striving for peace and avoiding conflict? Well, now the Darwinians say that peacemaking evolved by natural selection, too.
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