Are These Really Transitional Fossils?

To get to the truth, you often have to tune out the Darwin cheerleaders and just examine the data. Transitional Turtle Science reporters like to bring fossils to the imagination with colorful artwork. The artist’s conception of Eorhynchochelys, a fossil found in China, shows it looking somewhat like a sea turtle without a hard shell. […]

Stalactite Indicates Ultrafast Magnetic Reversals

Contrary to what geophysicists have claimed for decades, magnetic reversals may occur 'ridiculously quickly.' Or is confidence in experts ridiculous?

Creation Research Advances

Look at how much detailed scientific work was presented at the recent International Conference on Creationism.

Good-Flying Cosmopolitan Pterosaur Found Earlier Than Thought

A large pterosaur in Utah is 65 million Darwin Years older than thought, but was already built for flying.

More Confusion in Human Ev-Illusion

They can no longer say "everything you know is wrong" when nothing they thought they knew was right in the first place.

Synthetic Fossils Show Organic Films Can Preserve Quickly

In an attempt to learn about the fossilization process, scientists have found that exceptional fossils don’t require millions of years. Scientists at the University of Bristol are old-earth evolutionists, but what they found by experiment mimicked what can be seen in fossils. How long did it take? One day. Exceptionally-preserved fossils, like those of dinosaur […]

Mars Is Losing Its Atmosphere Fast

Measurements of Martian atmospheric loss rates imply incredible changes over the assumed billions of years of Mars' history.

Time to Revisit the Lunar Dust Problem?

How deep should lunar dust get over billions of years? Opinions have vacillated between extremes, but a new study might open up the debate again.

Young Pluto Stuns Scientists with Astonishing Maps

New color maps score high on the Wow Factor. How can this lonely dwarf planet still be active? Its moon Charon looks young, too.

Carbon Dioxide Is Not Toxic, but The Moon Is

Too much of something can be bad, but too little can also be bad. We examine the influence of carbon dioxide in earth’s atmosphere. Scientists seem conflicted about CO2 (carbon dioxide). It gets blamed for all kinds of bad things, but with few exceptions, every living thing either takes it in or gives it off. […]

350,000-Year-Old Skull Looks Shockingly Like Modern Human

It's too old, but too modern: a skull unearthed in Ethiopia in 2017 has evolutionary paleontologists rewriting textbooks – again.

Upsets Surprise Evolutionists

These announcements show that fossils have ways of contradicting evolutionary expectations.

Planet Origin Theories Contradict Physics

Materialists sound much more confident than they are about their theories for the origin of planets.

Now It’s Cool to Praise Neanderthals

Long the brunt of jokes, Neanderthals are trending upward in respect. Scientists keep finding things to admire in our 'archaic' brethren.

Geology and Anomaly Are Practically Synonyms

When formations don't fit established consensus paradigms, can secular geologists, indoctrinated into long ages and gradual change, think outside the box?
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