Living Fossil Giant Bee Challenges Evolution

Describing insects fossilized in amber is a matter of observable fact. Describing how they "evolved" is storytelling.

Soft Tissue in Biggest Ever Cambrian Fossil Bonanza

Chinese scientists are uncovering shale with the best-preserved Cambrian animals ever found.

Los Angeles Ice Age Fossils Are Changing Tar Pit Story

More Ice Age fossils have turned up in a Los Angeles subway tunnel, and there are surprises.

How Well Do Astrophysicists Understand the Origin of Heavy Elements?

Elements heavier than iron form in supernova explosions. End of story. We can all rest now. But wait...

New Waterfall Theory Affects Interpretations of Climate, Tectonics

How do waterfalls form? Geologists tested them in the lab, and found that some of them can make themselves.

Why Is China the Leader in Feathered Dinosaur Fossils?

It's odd how many "dino-bird" fossils are found by farmers and sold to museums. Dr Jerry Bergman examines.

Amazing Preservation Fails to Shock Evolutionists

The first question ought to be, how can such things survive hundreds of thousands or millions of years?

Mudstones Form Rapidly

One of the most common sedimentary rocks can form a hundred times faster than previously thought.

Ultima Thule Baffles Astronomers

Another first flyby has astronomers scratching their heads.

Dinosaur Digest

Here's a collection of recent news about the extinct creatures that fascinate everyone: the dinosaurs.

Counting Craters: Bad Assumptions Undermine Reliability

A new chronology of Earth/moon history reaches conclusions that are so assumption-ridden as to be worthless.

Did Neanderthals Need the Gospel?

It's a logical question if Neanderthals were human beings, as scientists now recognize.

Another Living Fossil Challenges Darwinian Explanations

The excuses that Darwinists make up for evidence against their theory need to be exposed and shamed.

Saturn’s Rings Not Just Young, but “Very Young”

Cassini scientists now have reduced the rings' age by an order of magnitude, as if they formed practically "yesterday."

Fallacious Assumptions Corrupt Science

Scientists are not immune from the attraction of primrose paths that lead to confirmation of their biases.
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