Astrobiology: The Joy of Being Wrong

An astrobiologist looks forward to the day when everything he says is totally wrong.

Planets Defy Bottom-Up Assembly

As much as they want to imagine planets forming from dust, secular astronomers run into insurmountable difficulties.

Radiocarbon Dating Becoming Unreliable

Your T-shirt could soon contain the same carbon-14 as William the Conqueror's robe from 1066 AD, scientists warn.

Seriously, Ceres and Comets Look Surprising

Here are surprises found at asteroid Ceres and Comet 67P by spacecraft arriving there this year.

Magnetic News

Magnetism is an important force in astronomy, planetary science and life. Here are news items involving magnets and magnetic fields.

Origin of Life for Dummies

Readers can decide if these news stories on the origin of life represent smart science or not.

Ski Pluto: Glaciers Are Flowing

Planetary scientists are dumbfounded by more evidence of youth at Pluto, both on the surface and in the atmosphere.

You Wouldn't Want to Live on "Earth's Cousin"

Despite the hype about another Earth-like exoplanet, Kepler 452b would not be as habitable as Venus.

Is Pluto Another Geyser World? "Shocking" Images Baffle Scientists

In addition to featureless plains, Pluto may even sport active geysers—with no recourse to tidal heating to power them.

Pluto Is Young

The New Horizons science team is stunned by surface features on Pluto and its large moon Charon that cannot be billions of years old.

Pluto Inbound Image Stuns Scientists

It's not a featureless orb: Pluto has a whale and a heart. A "complex and nuanced" surface shows that Pluto and its large moon Charon had a history.

Where Are the Earth's Impact Craters?

The number of impact craters on Earth is almost negligible compared to Mars and the moon. Can erosion explain this?

Will Pluto Surprise Scientists?

First-time encounters have a long history of shocking planetary scientists with unexpected features. It's about time for Pluto.

Desperately Seeking Life Beyond Earth

Earth life cannot be unique. How about you, Mars? Europa, anything? Enceladus? Comet 67P? Please break the silence!

Making Up Facts to Fit a Narrative

To be a good evolutionary scientist, write your narrative first. Then observe things. Finally, make up a model that fits the narrative.
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