Dating Methods Major Rethink of Magma Dogma September 26, 2022 How fast does it take to fill a big magma chamber? Millions of years? No. Just a few months, actually. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Dino Death Flip-Flop September 20, 2022 The asteroid theory is coming under fire again. Some scientists resurrect volcanoes as the killers. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Gogo Darwin: Latest Evo-Hype from Heart Fossil September 17, 2022 A soft-tissue fossil should shame Darwinians into embarrassed silence, but they're using it to promote evolution. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Climate Lords: Millions Must Suffer for the Common Good September 12, 2022 We're seeing the return of a political view with long, dark roots: pragmatism requires populations to lose their rights. CONTINUE READING
Solar System How to Keep Titan Old Despite Evidence September 6, 2022 Cassini's finding of a mostly dry Titan falsified expectations. But secularists refuse to give up on their beloved billions of years. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Mars Water Hope Evaporates August 26, 2022 Evolutionists have a strange way of expressing disappointment. They pretend to be excited about it. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science The Wisdom of Doubting Scientific Consensus August 22, 2022 If you wait long enough, scientists will find exceptions to their dogmas and will have to rethink everything. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Archive Classic: Astrobiology, 0 Steps Forward, 3 Steps Back August 6, 2022 From 2005: Report of a JPL lecture on the origin of life offers nothing but anti-scientific speculation. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Mars Youth Shows in New Study July 18, 2022 The basis for believing Mars is billions of years old and had oceans like the Earth comes under fire in a new study. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Mars Meteorite Shakes Up Stories of Solar System Formation June 17, 2022 A long-held assumption about isotope ratios contradicts prevailing views about planet formation. CONTINUE READING
Geology Yellowstone Witnesses Flood Power June 16, 2022 One little rainstorm closed America's most famous national park and caused damage that will take years to repair. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Weekend Climate Digest June 11, 2022 Don't just listen to the hype and respond to scare tactics. Read the science. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology News Media Swallow 830 Million Year Old Life Claim May 18, 2022 The extreme gullibility of scientists and reporters displays their blind love for Darwin and deep time. CONTINUE READING
Geology Comfort for the Climate Panicked May 2, 2022 Take heart; the world is not coming to an end. Who says so? Climate scientists. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Activity in Jupiter Moons Defies Long Ages April 20, 2022 New findings continue a running theme: the real solar system doesn't look like the expected solar system. CONTINUE READING