JWST Finds Mature Galaxy in Young Universe

"We are dropping everything else" shouts an astrophysicist upon first look at a mature barred spiral in the early universe.

ABG Cosmology: Anything But God

Cosmologists can admit total ignorance about origins and publish "science" articles, as long as they remain ABG.

Axions: Another Dark Matter Candidate Not Found

The endless quest for a dark matter particle comes up empty again. Too much is invested in the search to give up.

JWST Finds Un-Big-Banged Galaxies

Astronomers were surprised to find disk galaxies older than they should be.

No Escape from “In the Beginning”

The universe had a beginning. Cyclic universes don't work.

JWST Surprises and Discoveries

Galaxies evolve quicker than expected, and stunning new images of Hubble classics dazzle the eyes.

Will Dark Matter Theorists See the Light?

Some cosmologists are seriously considering dark matter theory to be a blunder.

How to Become an Expert in Ignorance

She's proud of all the things she doesn't know and can't figure out. This points to serious problems in our education system.

Stars Burst Into Existence

It's like a Cambrian explosion for cosmology: there were more "starburst" galaxies than models predict.

Webb Telescope Test Image Stuns Astronomers

Behind a tightly-focused star in a test image, thousands of spiral galaxies are visible.

Cosmic Disturbances Shake Astronomer Confidence

When theory and observation don't match, there is a loss in consumer confidence in science.

Antimatter Problem Still Defies Natural Explanation

The latest test of matter and antimatter shows that they both respond identically to gravity.

The James Webb Space Telescope Will Not Tell Us Where We Came From

As the long-awaited launch of JWST approaches, it's time to deflate some pompous predictions.

Earth Factories, Not Exploding Stars, May Form Elements

What textbooks have taught for decades may not be completely true.

Exomoon Seen Forming in Astronomers’ Imaginations

Progress bias misleads scientists into mistaking circular reasoning for fact.
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