Belief in Dark Matter Propelled by Theory, Not Evidence

Behold a scientific theory costing millions that has no evidence, but is clung to with unremitting tenacity.

More Excuses for Missing Dark Matter

How long can a theory survive repeated falsifications? Very long, when ideology (and funding) is at stake.

What the Most Eminent Cosmologist Believed

Could the most eminent and honored physicist of our lifetime actually believe such a thing as this?

The Dark Side of Dark Matter Hunts

Dark matter is still a no-show. What will it take for cosmologists to give up on a fruitless quest?

Still No Explanation for Matter/Antimatter Imbalance

An astrophysicist explains that the predominance of matter in our universe is just weird, and has no explanation.

Big Bang Cosmology Needs Miracles

A leading cosmologist's account of the current big bang theory makes no sense unless the hearer is already committed to believing it.

Dark Matter Fails Another Test

The Chinese didn't find dark matter with their super-detector, but they still believe it has to be there.

Far-Out Cosmic Ideas Taught as Science

Secular cosmology is where the words cosmic and comic become interchangeable.

Secular Cosmology Is Useless and Pointless

Secular cosmologists admit they will never know how things began, and that the search is pointless. How is this 'science' even worth considering?

Media Give Absurdity a Pass If It Is Materialistic

It's amazing what you can get away with saying as long as you pledge allegiance to Charles Darwin's impersonal, unguided worldview.

“Cosmologists Are Often Wrong, But Never in Doubt”

Astronomy used to be the flagship model of observational science. Now, the method is: embrace the dogma, then hunt for obscure details that might support it.

It’s Over: Dark Energy Was Fake Science

It's being called the Worst Theoretical Prediction in the History of Physics. Dark energy, and its cousin dark matter, are not showing up in any empirical tests.

Is Dark Matter a Myth?

More precise tests continue to fail to find dark matter or dark energy. How long do scientists get to look for occult phenomena that may not be real?

Antimatter Problem Fails Another Test

Protons and antiprotons appear identical according to a new high-accuracy test. The "antimatter problem" is the big bang theory's need to see a difference.

Dark Matter Mystery Deepens

Dark energy theory may not explain the cosmological constant as once thought.
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