Human Body Footnote: Evolution Adds Nothing February 27, 2020 A new study of foot stiffness helps explain human walking and running, and might inspire robots. Evolution adds nothing. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Bipedal Ape Fossil Falls on Its Face November 16, 2019 The latest ape fossil could be a mixture of species. In any case, it falls far short of the requirements for upright walking. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Godzilla Evolves, and Other Darwin Silliness June 4, 2019 When evolution is your proverbial hammer, you can go crazy pounding everything that looks like a nail. CONTINUE READING
Early Man 350,000-Year-Old Skull Looks Shockingly Like Modern Human July 11, 2018 It's too old, but too modern: a skull unearthed in Ethiopia in 2017 has evolutionary paleontologists rewriting textbooks – again. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Follies and Fallacies, Part One March 28, 2017 You can't say something "evolved to" do something useful. That's a profound misunderstanding of Darwinism. Evolutionists keep saying it anyway. CONTINUE READING