More Research Undermines Climate Consensus

What's at stake is a threat of punishing all humans (except elitists) around the globe for what may be a natural phenomenon.

Cannabis Use Linked to Mental Disorders

Marijuana use linked to schizophrenia: why would God create a harmful plant?

The Bad Aftertaste of Cannabis Legalization

God created bodies for health. One should expect problems when policies compromise health for pleasure and money.

Why Did God Create Cannabis?

With the accelerating trend toward legalization of this psychoactive plant, what should Bible believers think?

Missouri Doctors Oppose Medical Marijuana

Doctors in Missouri face tough times in a state where voters approved medical marijuana. They don't want to prescribe it.

Biological Fact: Men and Women Are Different

Today's trend of gender confusion flies in the face of science. Who is "anti-science" in this hotbed political issue?

Science Has to Borrow a Moral Compass

Observing facts is not enough to determine whether something is good or evil.

"Natural Evil" May Be Broken Good

Things in nature we consider nasty are sometimes good systems that have broken.
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