Astronomers Lie About Dark Matter

It's as indefensible as believers in ghosts lying about observational evidence for them.

Cosmologists Cling to Ghosts

Dark matter has never been found, but their pet theory needs it. What will secular cosmologists do next?

Hard Science Has a Firm Grip on Unreality

Anybody who thinks the hard sciences give us confidence in the real world should read this.

Dark Matter Fails Another Test

The Chinese didn't find dark matter with their super-detector, but they still believe it has to be there.

Dark Matter Hunt Comes Up Empty Again

Physicists face a philosophical quandary. Something they deeply wish to believe in does not appear to exist.
Mayall Telescope at Kitt Peak

Cosmologists Out of Touch with Reality

Secular cosmologists can't find things that they tell us should exist. Is reality the problem, or is it dead-end thinking instead?

“Cosmologists Are Often Wrong, But Never in Doubt”

Astronomy used to be the flagship model of observational science. Now, the method is: embrace the dogma, then hunt for obscure details that might support it.


One can't fault astronomers for not knowing everything – only for pretending to. Here are some reports indicating they have a long way to go.

It’s Over: Dark Energy Was Fake Science

It's being called the Worst Theoretical Prediction in the History of Physics. Dark energy, and its cousin dark matter, are not showing up in any empirical tests.

Is Dark Matter a Myth?

More precise tests continue to fail to find dark matter or dark energy. How long do scientists get to look for occult phenomena that may not be real?

Dark Matter Mystery Deepens

Dark energy theory may not explain the cosmological constant as once thought.

Cosmology Still in the Dark

With so many huge gaps in materialist cosmology, a revolution may be brewing, as seen in the kinds of questions being asked.

Don’t Trust Scientists Who Were Wrong; Fire Them

The best scam is to keep fooling people into trusting your latest ideas even after you've admitted you've been wrong all along.

Weekend Digest, May 6, 2017

Here's a collection of quick takes on interesting developments in the science news, from Saturn to a possible cure for malaria; from your liver to Sunday funnies.

Dark Matter is Still Very Dark and Very Mysterious

by Dr Jerry Bergman A research report in Nature announced the results of the latest experiment designed to prove the existence of Dark matter. In short: “Dark Matter Remains Elusive” (Xiangdong, 542:172. February 9, 2017). Dark matter is a hypothetical matter type that cannot be observed with any existing telescope system but, it is claimed, […]
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