Plentiful Water in the Early Universe, and Other Surprises

Based on the following unexpected findings, secular astronomers' ignorance of reality has reached cosmic proportions.

Evidence-Based Cosmology

From what we observe, we can draw inferences without the need to posit occult phenomena.

Double Trouble for Cosmology

Two developments are converging to threaten the standard big bang model of the universe's origin.

Astronomers Missed Half the Visible Universe

Dark matter is still a mystery, but meanwhile, half of the real stars in the universe have been hiding in plain sight.

China Celebrates Non-Discovery of Dark Matter

A huge dark matter detector in China celebrated the publication of its first results: nothing.

Of Stars and Significance

The farther out we look, the more questions we have. But does secular astronomy ask the right questions?

Cosmology Goes Off the Reservation

If science were ever restricted to observation, experimental demonstration, and evidence, some cosmologists left that reservation far behind long ago. Being smart does not preclude going nutty.

Cosmologists Were Wrong About Galaxy Evolution

Fifteen years ago, no cosmologist would have predicted mature galaxies early on, but they keep getting found – earlier and earlier.

If the Big Bang Is the Answer, Why Are There So Many Questions?

Any scientific explanation that leads to more questions than answers should be considered suspect.

Dark Matter Search Tinkers with Mythology

They can't find it, but it must be there. How long can that approach be sustained?

No Dark Matter Down Here

A mile deep in the earth, the most sensitive search to date for dark matter has turned up nothing.

Major Cosmic Questions Remain Unanswered

Some basic ideas about physics and astronomy remain so mysterious, and their explanations so flexible, they may lead some to question whether they should be called "hard sciences."

Astronomy Grab Bag

For year's end, here's a clean-out of astronomy articles—from planetary science to cosmology—to motivate further inquiry.

Shining Light on Dark Energy

Fifteen years after cosmologists proposed the existence of dark energy, they have learned nothing about it. In “Cosmology: Out of the Darkness,” Matthew Chalmers discussed the current thinking of Brian Schmidt, who shared the Nobel prize in 2011 for discovering cosmic acceleration (actually, an inference based on light from supernovae; see 9/30/2012).  “Fifteen years after […]

Astronomers Wrestle with "Endless Mysteries"

Some of the biggest questions in the universe remain completely baffling to astronomers, a leading journal admitted.
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