2020 Ends with No Dark Matter

Cosmologists end another year without finding dark phlogiston. What will it take to cure them of their pet myth?

Cosmology Shrieks in the Dark

Modern cosmologists spend more and more money looking for dark matter. So far it's all trick and no treat.

Dark Matter Believers Panicking

Where is this stuff they keep telling us makes up most of the universe? The ideas are getting even more bizarre.

Will Dark Matter Hunters Ever Give Up?

The history of dark matter searches is a long string of non-detections. When does theory have to face reality?

Dark Matter Still Missing After Many Decades

Astrophysicists have spent millions of dollars for decades to look at nothing.

SETI Craziness Continues

They have no evidence but need to look busy, so SETI enthusiasts come up with crazier stories to keep public hopes up.

Secular Astronomy Fails, II: Deep Space

From planets to stars to galaxies, objects don’t fit the expectations of materialists who work as astronomers.

Cosmologists Lurk in the Dark

Creepy cosmologists, who think everything came from nothing, have a fascination with darkness.

Modern Cosmology Makes No Sense, Say Cosmologists

Don't take our word for it. Cosmologists are banging their heads against the wall.

Nobel Prizes Foment Ignoble Ends

It's Nobel Prize time, and debates are stewing again about whether Alfred Nobel did a good thing by giving a few winners lots of money.

Something Cannot Be Born from Nothing

Exasperated by the lack of evidence for dark matter, some are now wondering if it came before the beginning.

Belief in Dark Matter Propelled by Theory, Not Evidence

Behold a scientific theory costing millions that has no evidence, but is clung to with unremitting tenacity.

More Excuses for Missing Dark Matter

How long can a theory survive repeated falsifications? Very long, when ideology (and funding) is at stake.

The Dark Side of Dark Matter Hunts

Dark matter is still a no-show. What will it take for cosmologists to give up on a fruitless quest?

Dark Matter May Not Exist

Astrophysicists may be tiring of searching for things they know nothing about. The consequences could be revolutionary.
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