Mind and Brain Darwinism Dehumanizes October 6, 2023 Evolutionary theory undermines all that is good, true and beautiful in human nature. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Science Turns Against Humanity September 19, 2023 Misanthropic headlines suggest worrisome trends justifying reduction in quality of life. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwinism Dumbs Down Science September 15, 2023 Darwinese short circuits the requirement for rigor in scientific explanations. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Researchers, Stop Kowtowing to the Darwin Party September 13, 2023 It's not necessary to say that the biological system you're studying "evolved." Drop the habit and your science will improve. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Racist University Brain Collection Exposed After Almost a Century September 4, 2023 Another evil fruit of Darwinism exposed at long last: racist director of Smithsonian museum Aleš Hrdlička is an embarrassment now. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Friday Funnies: Evolutionary Balderdash September 1, 2023 If you replaced "evolutionary" with a nonsense word, it would make as much sense. Maybe more. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Natural Selection Is Darwin’s Genie August 29, 2023 To understand natural selection, one needs to watch how its believers use it: as a magic genie. CONTINUE READING
Health Good Science Still Flourishing Without Darwinism August 24, 2023 Take heart at the good things that are coming from Darwin-free research, especially findings that improve our lives. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Fish Is to Blame for Heart Attacks August 23, 2023 The Darwin mind virus has invaded Japan. Now, Tokyo scientists are wasting their lab time. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Explaining Mammals: “Origination” as a Darwin Dodge August 21, 2023 Where did mammals come from? They "originated." What kind of scientific explanation is that? CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolution: A Useless Tag August 15, 2023 Scientists should drop the word "evolved" from their writing. It obscures much and accomplishes nothing. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology AAAS Chief Wants to Evolve Integrity August 14, 2023 His physical sensors detect a problem, but where will he find the solution? CONTINUE READING
Mammals Do Horse Toes Support Evolution? July 26, 2023 The loss of horse-hoofed toes: scientists baffled about why they were lost. But were they? CONTINUE READING
Fossils Early Chordate Squeezes Darwin July 7, 2023 A new fossil chordate puts even more bang in the Cambrian explosion. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Creationists Slandered About the Darwin-Nazi Connection July 5, 2023 Darwin's influence on Nazism is now mainstream—yet creationists are ruthlessly attacked for pointing it out. CONTINUE READING