February 4, 2025 | David F. Coppedge

Assuming Evolution Makes Scientists Lazy

Scientist: Don’t just say “it evolved.”
Go to the lab and figure it out.


“Evolved” has become a magic word in today’s biology. No matter the subject matter, the lazy biologist or science reporter can say “it evolved.” But do these practitioners of the Art of the Cop-Out even know what they are implying? Darwinism requires chance genetic mutations to be selected by an invisible hand, a blind Tinkerer or natural “Selector” that cares not what happens: indeed, has no capacity to care.

Saying “It evolved” amounts to nothing more than saying “Stuff Happens.” So profound. Science was supposed to get rid of vacuous explanations by doing controlled experiments to choose the best explanation out of competing hypotheses. Emperor Charles has cheapened science by letting in bums and welfare queens who don’t remember what it was like to work. Just like some current federal employees “working” in their bubble baths at home that the new administration is warning to show up at the office or be fired, these lazy scientists need to get back to the lab, clock in, and put in an honest day’s science.

Dinosaurs may have first evolved in the Sahara and Amazon rainforest (New Scientist, 23 Jan 2025). Oh, so they “may have” first evolved in the Sahara and Amazon rainforest, Michael Marshall? Which is it? Those are on opposite sides of the world.

Many think dinosaurs first emerged on land well south of the equator that now forms part of Argentina and Zimbabwe, but they may have actually arisen in tougher conditions near the equator.

Who is “many,” Michael? Are they really thinking? And if they “may have” evolved, it’s logical to say they “may not have” evolved. They may have been created. Did you consider all the options?

Dinosaurs may have first evolved close to the equator, not in the far south of the southern hemisphere as previously thought.

Darwin rides his pet dino to teach the next lesson in Groupthink Class.

As previously thought by whom? Now that former “experts” are wrong, why should we believe you now?

Where is your evidence that they evolved close to the equator? Got fossils? Ever hear of the “dinosaur explosion“? Michael passes the hot potato to his Darwin-lackey expert Joel Heath of University College London, who pipes in:

“There must have been a lot going on in terms of dinosaur evolution, but we just don’t have the fossils.”

Well then, for crying out loud, shut up! Go get the fossils to make your case. Speculating about what “must have been” is not science.

Do either of you have any idea of how many lucky mutations it would take to “evolve” a dinosaur by natural selection? How many accidents were required to get a supersaurus by chance? Go figure it out! Calculate the odds of these mutations arising. Even Chat-GPT knows not to assume that impossible things happen by evolution (ENST).

‘Gossiping neighbors’: Plants didn’t evolve to be kind to each other, study finds (Live Science, 31 Jan 2025). The scientific quality of this headline could be vastly improved by stripping off the last words and saying, simply, “Plants didn’t evolve.” Enough said. But Jess Thompson turns plants into carriers of selfish genes. She says, “supporting their neighbors doesn’t make sense from an evolutionary perspective as plants are constantly competing with each other for sunlight and nutrients.”

Jess, get something straight. Plants don’t care about winning a competition. Stop treating them like baseball players. Go back to the lab and do some field work. Maybe you’ll find that they are part of a wisely-designed ecosystem. The “evolutionary perspective” is the problem. Get your head out of the fogma in Charley’s beer hall and get back to work.

Coyote genes may show urban evolution at work (Washington University at St Louis, 15 Jan 2025). Well, if something is at work, it is surely not the evolutionary biologists in this tale. Evolution is supposed to be about the emergence of new species by natural selection. These lazy scientists started with coyotes, and ended with coyotes—a single species!

Historically, evolution was thought to occur on vast chronological scales. But scientists now understand that evolution can happen within just a few generations. Urban areas offer a unique glimpse into how evolution functions on smaller timescales and how species adapt to human presence and novel environments.

Did the coyotes evolve wings or extra legs? Good grief, this is NOT evolution! Yet Elizabeth Carlen, grinning like the latest winner of the Stuff Happens No-Bell Prize, doesn’t even understand evolution. No evolution occurred except in her imagination:

Carlen and Kreling’s new study provides examples of life history traits that may be under selection in urban coyotes as well as a list of candidate genes that have the potential to be implicated — including genes related to diet, health, thermoregulation, behavior, cognition and reproduction.

This whole crew needs to go back to Basic DODO Theology 101, where Professor Blind Watchmaker tinkers with parts for no reason and doesn’t care what happens.

Emperor Charley’s watchmaker doesn’t care what happens, because he’s not only blind, but deaf, dumb and brainless. He doesn’t even have arms and legs. He’s a phantom—a hallucination that proceeded from the mind of priest Richard Dawkins who is now having second thoughts about living in an atheistic culture. Pay no more attention to this “Blind Watchmaker” cartoon character than you would to Tinker Bell: amusing, but unreal.

How Camellias evolved with the formation of the Japanese archipelago (Niigato University, 22 Jan 2025). Ahem, Dr. Harue Abe; this is not evolution. These are members of the same genus. Diversification within created kinds is not evolution. Even Ken Ham believes that trivial changes like that occur in genera and families. Come back when your beautiful created flowers sprout smartphones for leaves by chance.

Biological computers could use far less energy than current technology — by working more slowly (Live Science, 1 Feb 2025). Reporter Heiner Linke comes up with this gem of profundity after discussing computers: “biological motor proteins are themselves evolved to use no more energy than needed to perform their task at the required rate.” He’s talking about highly-efficient fully-functional nanoscopic motor proteins that move at 100 steps per second! We don’t have blind watchmakers; we have blind biologists.

It’s tough to resist scratching an itch — and evolution may be to blame. (Live Science, 2 Feb 2025). Evolution is to blame for one thing: turning biologists into lazy storytelling slobs. “A new study conducted in mice suggests that, although it’s not all good, our urge to scratch at itchy skin may have an evolutionary benefit,” reporter Skyler Ware begins.

“Scratching is often pleasurable, which suggests that, in order to have evolved, this behavior must provide some kind of benefit.”

The founders of science would be aghast. OK everyone! Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Improve your fitness! Scratch your skin hard enough till you see a winning lottery number for a pair of angel wings or an aqualung. Be patient; you may have to scratch for trillions of years till you get lucky. If not in this universe, your lucky clone might win in the multiverse (but you’ll never know about it).

While scratching, think of all the other pleasurable things that “may have” evolved. But wait! Unpleasant and disgusting things evolved, too; everything that exists evolved. (That’s how you know it evolved; it exists!) Where does this nonsense stop? Other science reporters, even Nature, got inebriated with this tale.

Ain’t no Moses leading to the Promised Land. The Blind Watchmaker leads his flock of DODOs (Darwin-Only 2x) on a field trip to gain “understanding” but they can’t see where they are going.

Will someone call Elon Musk and ask him to start a new Department of Science Excellence (DOSE)? We need to get the waste, fraud and abuse out of science that started when the Darwin Party took over.

There’s a parallel in the news today. As part of his mandate to drain the D.C. swamp, President Trump, Secretary of State Marco Rubio and DOGE director Elon Musk started radically cleaning out USAID (the bureaucracy that doles out foreign aid) because of abuses. They discovered that the agency was spending millions of US taxpayer dollars on frivolous and anti-American projects (see Breitbart News article).

An even worse case of waste, fraud and abuse exists in Big Science (B.S.) today. Worldwide, academia and labs have been infested with atheists and scientific materialists who fritter away taxpayer money while loafing and saying “it evolved” instead of doing real scientific work. It’s way past time to clean out the B.S. swamp and return science to its roots. The founders of modern science believed in rigorously comparing hypotheses with evidence that was observable, testable, and repeatable. Darwinian evolution is none of these things. Darwinists cannot even conjure up the moral standards required for integrity, an imperative for any trustworthy human activity.

The headlines above illustrate the rot in Big Science. It must be cleaned out before there can be another Golden Age of Science. Most of the progress we are seeing is in Engineering—the applied science that is built on intelligent design. Atheistic science is crushing under a load of failures (example). The failing paradigms deserve no respect from the taxpaying public. What earns respect is rigorous and meritorious service for the benefit and flourishing of the people they serve.



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  • EberPelegJoktan says:

    What happens if or when assumptions and opinions don’t line up with evidence and observation? What if a persons opinion doesn’t line up with historic and linguistic evidence? For instance, modern people are taught the “Out Of Africa” theory as if it is some fact of life (the theory is paraded in media including children’s books). You wrote an article about it in 2021. Accounts and historic records (including Josephus) tell us that Africa was settled from elsewhere (from Noah’s son Ham). That is just one example.

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