Fossils Mistaken Identity Embarrasses Evolutionists February 6, 2023 Anyone can make a mistake identifying a fossil, but Darwinism sometimes leads scientists to see what they want to see. CONTINUE READING
Geology Old Earth View Requires Storytelling January 4, 2023 If geologists relied on empirical observation, they would not get billions of years out of rocks. CONTINUE READING
Media 2022 Year in Review January 1, 2023 Here is a list of the most visited articles in Creation-Evolution Headlines in 2022. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Can DNA Last 2 Million Years? December 9, 2022 A new claim about ancient DNA deserves some scrutiny. Why did they double their maximum lifetime of DNA so quickly? CONTINUE READING
Solar System How to Keep the Solar System Old: Struggle and Hope December 2, 2022 Keeping the consensus age of the solar system is vital to evolution, but observations keep getting in the way. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Magnetism Confirms Biblical Dates October 27, 2022 The earth's magnetic field has multiple uses for mankind and life. Now, another benefit has come to light: dating archaeology sites. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Yosemite Just Got a Lot Younger October 21, 2022 This is why you should never trust national park displays. Yosemite Valley could be less than 4% previous age estimates. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Carbon Dating Is Becoming Useless July 28, 2022 Due to atmospheric trends, the usefulness of carbon dating may die. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Time Dilation in Evolutionary Rates September 24, 2021 The speed of evolution is like general relativity. It goes fast or slow depending on the storyteller's frame of reference. CONTINUE READING
Geology Ideology Drives Theory at Grand Canyon August 26, 2021 Geologists' open textbook remains an enigma because new ideas must first bow to consensus chronology. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Rotifer Mocks Old-Age Credulity June 14, 2021 This claim outdoes the Rip Van Winkle fable by four orders of magnitude. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Scientists Set Maximum Lifetime for Ancient DNA February 19, 2021 Any DNA found older than this upper limit will cause huge problems for the evolutionary dating scheme. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Whoops; Tooth Date Is at Least 750% Off February 15, 2021 It's amazing how wrong evolutionists can be without batting an eye. Errors this large should be a firing offense. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Nobody Can Measure the Age of the Universe January 11, 2021 Measuring age depends on measuring light speed in ways that cannot in principle be confirmed. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Radiocarbon Calibration Is Stretchy August 20, 2020 The latest calibration curve for radiocarbon dating is raising eyebrows. Will it upset what is "known" about the past? CONTINUE READING