Old-Earth Evolutionists Have Blown Their Cred

All the news media are uncritically parroting a preposterous claim that makes the Rip Van Winkle fable look reasonable.

Radiocarbon Assumptions Questioned

Every dating method involves assumptions, because historical sciences are not repeatable like laboratory experiments.

Crucial Geological Proxy May Be Misinterpreted

Many inferences about past climate and evolution depend on a measurement with dubious interpretations.

Why Magnetic Field Decay Matters

Earth's magnetic field is vital for life, but it is decaying. To keep it going billions of years, evolutionists gloss over facts.

Geological Processes Can Be Rapid

For those trained to think in millions of years, these geological processes should sound surprising.

Dating Method Assumptions Can Be Way Off

Poking holes in long-held assumptions can make you very unpopular.

Crater Count Dating: Self-Secondaries Reduce Age Estimates

A standard method for inferring the ages of planetary surfaces continues to be plagued by bad assumptions.

Two Geological Process Ages Collapse

Two processes theoretically assumed to take long ages have been shown they can occur quickly.

WW2 Aircraft Found Under 300 Ft of Greenland Ice

How long does it take to bury an aircraft under hundreds of feet of ice? Try 76 years.

Time to Revisit the Lunar Dust Problem?

How deep should lunar dust get over billions of years? Opinions have vacillated between extremes, but a new study might open up the debate again.

Neanderthal Art Found: Last Barrier to Full Human Status Falls

They were strong, skilled hunters, with large brains. They interbred with 'modern humans.' But they have always been disparaged because they left no art. Till now.

Enceladus Cannot Spout for Billions of Years

You can tell when theorists are getting desperate. Their assumptions get more and more implausible, and they gloss over falsifying facts.

Terrible Mistake about Diamond Dates

Geologists fess up to wrong conclusion about the "world's oldest diamonds."

Volcano Date Was 3,000% Wrong

Volcanoes at the south end of California's Salton Sea erupted as recently as the time of Christ, not 30,000 years ago, and may be active today.

Eye on Io

Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io continues to erupt, its heat flowing into science journals.  Planetary scientists are mapping its surface and devising new ideas about what drives its activity.     A paper in Icarus presented a new global geologic map of Io’s surface.1  The most common feature is plains (65.8%), followed by lava flow fields […]
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