New Evidence for Discrimination Against Christians in Academia

A new PhD thesis documents discrimination against creationists in academia: a look at the history and claims of anti-creationists.

Creationism’s Debt to Phillip Johnson

Phillip E. Johnson (1940-2019) was a unifying figure, but not a compromiser. A unique and wise influencer, his strategy will continue.

Can Anticreationist Rhetoric Survive Debate?

Darwinist rhetoric thrives when it's the only show in town.

Evolutionists Strategize to Fight Creation

If evolution were a matter of obvious biological facts, why would it be necessary to list strategies to teach it without exposing it to critical thinking?

How Students Should Deal with Evolution Evangelists

There are professors and leaders of special interest groups whose sole purpose is to draw students away from belief in a Designer and tempt them to embrace the aimless, purposeless, materialist processes of Darwinism. How can students prepare for the challenge?

NCSE Takes on Creation Geologists

The science of geology operates in parallel universes. There are the mainstream, secular geologists in the Geological Society of America who have complete hegemony in the secular universities, the mainline journals and the secular press. Then there are the creation geologists, who publish in their own journals; these hardly enter the awareness of the other geologists. Once in a while, though, like disturbances in the Force, emanations from the creation universe into the secular universe are felt. The National Center for Science Education has become so alarmed at these emanations that they have warned secular geologists to (1) pay them no attention, and (2) pay attention.
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