Life Regulates Earth’s Climate

Climate modelers did not take into account biology. The earth has automatic mechanisms to regulate climate.

Beavers Mitigate Global Warming

Beavers provide a natural feedback that protects water quality downstream, scientists find.

More Reasons to Doubt a Climate Doomsday

We're just reporting what secular pro-warmist journals are saying.

Is Climate Change An Existential Threat?

There's an uncanny parallel between climate change and evolution: which is, how skeptics of the consensus are treated.

Snowball Earth Theory Not Set in Stone

Give an idea a name, and it can assume a reality in the imagination, even if there’s no evidence for it. Tae Hamm, writing for Glacier Hub, asks, “Was the Earth ever frozen solid?” Hamm, a student in climate science at Columbia University, reveals that a popular theory for the early earth before the explosion […]

Chinks in the Climate Science Data

Consensus can be more robust than the data it rests on. That's true in Darwinism, and appears to be true in climate science, according to some published doubts.

Bad Assumptions Confuse Geological Ages and Processes

The best models in a scientific field can be overturned at any time when someone takes a critical look at the underlying assumptions.

Built-in Brain Designs that Amaze Scientists

Here's a quick run-down of brain news that should make us stand in awe of the 3-pound mass inside our skulls.

Cell's Molecular Machines Arouse Fascination

With increasing image quality at their disposal, biologists are finding amazing molecular machines at work in living cells.

Nose Has Gain Control

Sound engineers know how to use gain control to avoid “redlining” or saturating the signal while amplifying weak but important signals.  Your nose knows that trick, too. The sense of smell is complex because of the tremendous variety of odorant molecules that must be interpreted.  Molecules that trigger signals in the initial neurons trigger a […]

The Malthus Effect on Politics and Economics

In 1798, Thomas Malthus published an essay that had a profound impact on Charles Darwin and others. But it was flawed.

Cell Exhibits Robust Engineering Design

Cells are so good at robustness against perturbations and uncertainty, engineers could well learn from their design principles.
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