Dissing a Straw Noah

Secular science reporters don't do their homework. Their simplistic answers deceive the masses.

Fossils Don’t Speak; Evolutionists Do

Evolutionists find errors in evolutionary tree calculations. They conclude that many evolutionists are forcing their assumptions on the fossils.

“The Evolution of…” Is a Useless Phrase

The only thing the phrase accomplishes is perpetuating myths about the magical power of the Stuff Happens Law.

Extinctions: A Playground for Darwin Storytellers

The fossils show that many species are gone from our planet. But explaining how they went extinct depends on one's worldview beliefs.

Living Fossil Giant Bee Challenges Evolution

Describing insects fossilized in amber is a matter of observable fact. Describing how they "evolved" is storytelling.

Fossils Can Mislead Big Time

Claims about fossil patterns rely on methods and assumptions that have been proven wrong.

Whale of a Tail Tale

Armed with a license for just-so storytelling, evolutionists can explain anything – even opposites.

These "Evolutionary" Fossils Don't Help Evolutionary Theory

Anti-evolutionary implications can stare paleontologists in the face, yet they still invoke evolutionary theory.

Cambrian Explosion Included Vertebrate Fish

At the first appearance of complex animals, vertebrate fish were already there, a new analysis confirms.

Dinosaur Extinction Story Becomes More Chancy

Why did dinosaurs die but birds and butterflies survive? The latest idea involves sheer dumb luck.

Stretching Credibility in Evolutionary Stories

Improbable events happening numerous times; selective extinctions; voodoo phylogenetics – at what point do evolutionary explanations exceed the threshold of credibility a trusting public grants to the gurus of the culture, scientists?

Update:  Cambrian Explosion Damage Control

Here’s an update to the “State of the Cambrian Explosion.”  Two years ago, our 04/23/2006 entry analyzed a lengthy paper in Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences by Dr. Charles R. Marshall, a Harvard professor of biology and geology.  Dr. Marshall had taken on the arduous task of explaining, in evolutionary terms, the sudden […]

Evolutionists Explain Living Fossils

Why did the living forms look identical to the ancient forms after so many tens of millions of years of evolution?

Do Fossil Counts Match Sediment Counts?

If evolution is true, the number of species coming and going should track the number of rock layers in which they are fossilized, at least roughly.  The more sediments per unit time, the more new genera should arise within them.  Shanan E. Peters (U of Michigan) decided to test this “novel” approach with marine fossils […]
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