Not Found: Human Ancestor X

After 150 years, evolutionists have still not found Ancestor X! Some scientists openly admit this fact.

Darwin Follies Continue

Evolutionists are not telling April Fool jokes; they really believe this stuff.

Evolution is the Fuel Behind Racism

  A Brief History of Darwin-Inspired Racial Prejudice by Jerry Bergman, PhD The riots that have plagued the world during the last few weeks were, in my experience, the worst I have seen in my lifetime. Even those that occurred after Martin Luther King, Jr., was murdered were not as violent. I was born and […]

Science Reporting Has Become a Fake-News Scandal

One reporter in a campus Press Relations office shouldn't be able to influence the world's view of science.

Lucy Lived in the Trees

A new CT scan of Lucy's bones show adaptations for living in the trees.

Human Evolutionists Fall Out of Their Science Tree

Tell a tale, get media attention: did Lucy fall out of a tree, or did paleoanthropologists fall off an empirical limb?
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