What to Watch for in the March for Science

Big Science and Big Media will undoubtedly give positive coverage to the March for Science on Earth Day. But will they provide critical analysis?

Big Science Has Corrupted Its Mission

If the leading journal Nature is any example, Big Science has unmasked itself as a left-leaning, political, ideological movement.

Science Sells Its Soul to Clinton Campaign

Mainstream science media have abandoned all pretense of objectivity when it comes to presidential politics.

"Political" Science Threatens Historic American Values

Take any issue on the political scene, and you will find the scientific elites cheering for the left side.

A Media Bias Sampler

Support for conservatism in secular science media is as rare as a true transitional form in the fossil record.

The Politics of Happiness

Sometimes scientists get it right, and sometimes they get it wrong. Humans are too complex to fit pet theories, but even scientists can notice what works.

The Democratic Party Does Not Own Science

A journal commentator comes to the rescue of conservatives, who get an undeserved bad rap about science.

Scientists as Sex Counselors

To what extent should scientists presume to offer advice about sexual matters?

Secular Scientists Continue to Push Leftist Agendas

Evidence is abundant that secular science organizations and their media outlets are committed to leftist positions on a variety of issues, even on subjects outside of science.

Big Science as a Leftist Front

Take any scientific subject that overlaps with politics, and you will find the leading journals and mainstream science news organizations presenting leftist positions, often lambasting conservatives.

Got Scientism? Champions of "Science" All Leftists

The Union of Concerned Scientists' list of champions only includes those who take far-left political stances on the issues.

Survey Exposes Liberal Bias Among Psychologists

Everybody except liberals knows they are intolerant of conservatives, but now a new survey won't let them deny they have a real bias problem.

Lean to the Left: Science Reporters Oblivious to Conservatism

Take any issue, and there will often be a liberal view and a conservative view.  Why is it, then, that science reporting is almost always liberal?  It’s not just that left-leaning slants on science issues predominate; the reporters and institutions often seem utterly oblivious to the idea that other positions, like conservative views, even exist.  […]

Institutional Science as a Leftist Cabal

Something strange happens in scientific journals and reports. Whenever they talk politics, it is almost always from a leftist point of view. Why is that? Did they arrive at that position by the scientific method? Is there something about the need for government funding that drives institutions to a leftist position? Whatever the reason, it’s […]
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