Big Science Tried to Stop Overturning Roe

When a leaked document indicated the Supreme Court might overturn Roe v Wade, Big Science and Big Media went to work.

Big Science Pushes Abortion

Someone please show us a scientific paper or press release that urges valuing the life of the unborn.

Science Will Not Endure Radicalism

So far, the radical Left has thought Big Science is on its side. That friendship may not last much longer.

Christians Are Not Lab Rats

Social scientists who try to put Christians in their test tubes have the roles completely reversed.

Educators Scheme to Indoctrinate Children into the Darwin Cult

They used to wait till high school to begin indoctrination. Now, they want to "prime" 7- and 8-year olds to love King Charlie.

The New Eugenics: Eliminating Down Syndrome

Why the left is vehemently in support of abortion and opposed to President Trump and his last Supreme Court judges, all pro-life.

Big Science Abandons Political Neutrality

The self-assumed voices of science are now overtly political, and proud of it. Predictably, they have followed the globalist leftists.

Op-Ed: Geneticist Exposes the Party of Sexual Anarchy

Following up on his essay "Choosing Sides," geneticist John Sanford names the party most responsible for "anything goes" sexuality.

Op-Ed: Geneticist Asks Americans to Choose Sides

Here is reproduced a call to action by Dr John Sanford, Cornell geneticist and leading creation scientist. Feel free to share.

Biased Reporters Cloud Scientific Credibility

How many lies does a person have to say to lose credibility? How many times does he have to be wrong before you stop listening?

Big Science: Lean to the Left

How does Big Science support the socialist cultural revolution going on in major cities? Let us count the ways.

Big Science Is Losing Even More Credibility

Give up on the old-fashioned notion of influence-free, reliable science. This is 2020.

Big Science Capitulates to Socialist Revolution

Scientific institutions are stepping on each other to ingratiate themselves with today's bolsheviks.

Totalitarians on the Loose in Science

One must stop totalitarians before they gain power, or they will never relinquish it.

Leftists Use Science as Camouflage

Leftists have learned that the 'science costume' is their most effective means of propaganda.
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