Biomimetics Masters of Physics in Nature June 8, 2016 Plants and animals sometimes keep PhD physicists wondering how they do what they do. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Cosmology in Perpetual Crisis June 7, 2016 Secular cosmologists are no closer to the truth than they were 20 years ago. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Imploding Ideas Unnoticed by Their Advocates June 5, 2016 Fewer people would say foolish things if they noticed how ideas can refute themselves. CONTINUE READING
Physics Bluffing About Earth's Magnetic Field and Life's Chirality June 2, 2016 The headlines might make one think evolutionists have finally scaled two monstrous hurdles for their theory. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Science Evolves May 14, 2016 Science has a historical and cultural character that cannot be extricated from its current consensus. CONTINUE READING
Media How to Do Biology Without Evolution February 27, 2016 Everything in biology can make perfect sense without the darkness of Darwinism. Take a look. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Hot Jupiters Exasperate Astronomers February 24, 2016 Nothing has been more upsetting to comfortable theory than the discovery of hot Jupiters around other stars. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Science Will Never Know Some Things December 12, 2015 Working against scientists' ambitions are hurdles of reality. CONTINUE READING
Physics Animal Engineers Teach Physics Profs a Thing or Three November 19, 2015 Three animals never went to the university, but they leave human PhDs struggling to catch up to their know-how. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Plentiful Water in the Early Universe, and Other Surprises May 14, 2015 Based on the following unexpected findings, secular astronomers' ignorance of reality has reached cosmic proportions. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Evidence-Based Cosmology March 27, 2015 From what we observe, we can draw inferences without the need to posit occult phenomena. CONTINUE READING
Physics Classical Physics Is Non-Deterministic February 26, 2015 It's not just quantum mechanics that's weird. Reality—no matter the scientific foundation—is weird, too. CONTINUE READING
Birds Chernobyl Mutation Experiment Fails to Support Darwinism February 12, 2011 Under mutational load, you don’t get a choice of “Evolve or Perish”; just the latter. CONTINUE READING
Geology Lord Kelvin’s Core Values Defended July 2, 2007 Myth: Lord Kelvin held back the progress of geology for 100 years by insisting the Earth was younger than geologists and evolutionists believed. Myth debunked here. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Spiral Galaxies Wind Up Into Blurs In Short Cosmological Time March 4, 2006 Cosmic billions of years have received another challenge from the physics of spiral arms in spiral galaxies. CONTINUE READING