Design in Chemistry Explained by a PhD Chemist

Dr Henry Richter, chemist and spacecraft pioneer, presents chemistry as a manifestation of the Creator's wisdom.

Cosmologists Cling to Ghosts

Dark matter has never been found, but their pet theory needs it. What will secular cosmologists do next?

May the Weak Force Be With You

We couldn't live without the weak force, the least understood and underappreciated natural force.

Three More Designs that Defy Evolution

Darwinian natural selection sounds convincing until you look at the details of extraordinary designs in nature.

Environments Do Not Cause Adaptations

The way some evolutionists think, light creates eyes, sound creates ears, and odors create noses.

Dark Matter Hunt Comes Up Empty Again

Physicists face a philosophical quandary. Something they deeply wish to believe in does not appear to exist.

Scientists Cannot Live with Materialism

What good is scholarship when a layman can see right through it? There's an unsatisfying emptiness at the heart of modern secular science.

Astronomical Theories Totally Wrong and Upside Down

From the planetary scale to the cosmic scale, astronomers are throwing away textbooks.

Planetary Youth Continues After Cassini

The data gathering phase is over, but the data mining phase will continue for years. This entry also shares some news about other solar system objects showing youthfulness.

Classical Creation Physicists Still Make News

They lived before relativity and quantum mechanics, but their insights continue to stimulate productive research in 21st-century physics.

Atheist Writes Cosmological Bible

From Genesis to Revelation, Lawrence Krauss has reality all figured out. A book reviewer in Nature is not so sure.

"Extraordinary" Radiocarbon Anomaly Found in Tree Rings

A tree ring sample from a bristlecone pine reveals something weird happened to the sun around 5480 BC.

Dump the Nobel Prize

Editorial: The Nobel Prize was concocted for a different time. Now it has become an impediment to good science.

Is Dark Matter Going the Way of Phlogiston?

There is no exotic dark matter, according to the most sensitive search to date. The ramifications for cosmology are enormous.

You Can Trust Scientists (to Be Fallible)

With theory overturns like these, one gets to wonder about the privileged status of scientists in our culture.
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