Education Cancel Culture in Science March 22, 2021 Should a college cancel a popular course for teaching both sides? This is how evolutionists silence the opposition. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Delicate Acrobats: Butterflies and Jellyfish Use Physics to Perfection January 21, 2021 Two animals probably not envisioned as champion movers can teach human designers a thing or two. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Bumblebees Pack Aerodynamic Sophistication into One Gram November 28, 2020 Bumblebees seem self-aware of their dimensions so that they can navigate tight spaces during flight. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Dark Matter Believers Panicking September 14, 2020 Where is this stuff they keep telling us makes up most of the universe? The ideas are getting even more bizarre. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain The Futility of Evolutionary Game Theory June 20, 2020 Evolutionists try to explain human associations by "evolutionary game theory," a form of natural selection. It leads to hopelessness. CONTINUE READING
Education Teach Science in the Yard April 21, 2020 Parents caught in the role of home schoolers should take their students outside for two benefits: education and health. CONTINUE READING
Physics Antimatter Claim Overblown April 15, 2020 Talk about taking a 'possibility' to an extreme. Does the universe exist because of a fluke? CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Will Dark Matter Hunters Ever Give Up? April 1, 2020 The history of dark matter searches is a long string of non-detections. When does theory have to face reality? CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Bumblebees Are Misnamed February 6, 2020 They don't bumble. They use efficient techniques to get the most bang of weightlifting for the buck of wing flaps. CONTINUE READING
Physics Animals Thrive in Fukushima Nuclear Accident Zone January 10, 2020 Scientists observe a surprise in danger zone around the Japanese nuclear accident zone after 10 years: animals love the place! CONTINUE READING
Physics Maxwell’s Equations Touch Quantum Mechanics December 13, 2019 MIT physicists are cheering a breakthrough that celebrates the applicability of Maxwell's theory to the nano scale. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Nobel Prizes Foment Ignoble Ends October 9, 2019 It's Nobel Prize time, and debates are stewing again about whether Alfred Nobel did a good thing by giving a few winners lots of money. CONTINUE READING
Physics Why Magnetic Field Decay Matters October 2, 2019 Earth's magnetic field is vital for life, but it is decaying. To keep it going billions of years, evolutionists gloss over facts. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science What Science Doesn’t Know August 23, 2019 For all the confident triumphalism scientists display, there are major things they do not grasp. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Space Is Hell March 5, 2019 Don't leave Earth for long. It's deadly out there. CONTINUE READING