Geology Climate Change: What the Science Says August 15, 2024 The popular media is not giving the whole story. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics AAAS Tries to Influence Elections July 9, 2024 Farewell to unbiased science. The AAAS goes political. You know what that means. CONTINUE READING
Media Evolution Media: Dogma First, Then Puzzles August 1, 2023 Evolution is a fact! Got that? If so, now you are ready for the difficulties. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Comb Jellies Take the Lead Over Sponges! May 17, 2023 Comb jellies pull ahead in an endless game to earn the title Last Common Ancestor of All Animals CONTINUE READING
Birds Birds Resist Darwinian Scenarios December 21, 2022 Bird evolution scenario attempts fail, illustrating how evolution-tinted glasses can blind experts to the facts. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Origin of Life: Would Darwin Approve of Lying? September 21, 2022 Like any tyranny, one-party rule by the Darwin consensus is unhealthy. It encourages laziness and propaganda. CONTINUE READING
Media Big Science Intensifying Indoctrination September 1, 2022 Big Science has long excused indoctrination, but now they are going all in for "interventions" targeting non-consensus views. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Big Science Pushes Abortion April 29, 2022 Someone please show us a scientific paper or press release that urges valuing the life of the unborn. CONTINUE READING
Education Evolutionary Indoctrination Works When Debate Is Forbidden April 27, 2022 Here is proof that evolutionary indoctrination works and that the evidence does not matter. CONTINUE READING
Media How to Tell Who’s Lying January 1, 2022 These simple tips can help anyone sort the probable truth-tellers from the deceivers. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Gays Use Science Journal to Propagandize August 20, 2021 Nature's open-access journal allows 3 "scientists" to lie in a survey that pushes the homosexual agenda. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Science Prestige Crumbles June 19, 2021 Public trust in science has taken drastic hits lately, and Big Science admits it. What will be required to get back its respect? CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Science Capitulates to Leftism May 22, 2021 Finding any science journal or science reporter who takes a conservative position is hopeless now. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Twisting Abrupt Appearance into Anti-Creationism November 14, 2020 Of all the nerve; Chinese scientist twists Darwin's dilemma into an argument against creationism. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwinism Is in Tension with Human Rights August 18, 2020 Human rights and Darwinism are contradictions in terms, but academics find ways to pretend both are simpatico. CONTINUE READING