October 2, 2024 | David F. Coppedge

Film Creates Awe About the Brain

Illustra Media’s latest short film
will have you spellbound over the
systems at work in your head


Premiered this past Sunday September 29th, “Three Pounds of Wonder” is sure to astound viewers!

Using intricate animations and the latest findings about the circuitry inside the brain and central nervous system, this under-eight-minute film can be watched right here, right now. Click on the full screen setting to see it in all its dazzling beauty.

Bible believers will surely praise God for the facts shared in this film, but it also needs to be shared with unbelievers, doubters, and atheists. How can anyone think, after watching this, that the brain just evolved by material processes and natural selection— basically, from a long series of chance accidents? And yet that is what Big Science and Big Media teach as a “fact” that dare not be criticized. The truth, as this film shows, is overwhelmingly on the side of intelligent design.

Our Scientist of the Month for October 2024 is William Harvey, an early scientist who discovered of the circulation of blood. His life advanced the scientific method and stands as a testament to the value of the Bible for stimulating scientific discoveries.

On Memory
Here’s a follow-up thought about memory. Software engineers are familiar with the concept of pointers. These are short pieces of information that point to other locations where greater volumes of information, like databases, are stored. When we consider the details of some of our memories, with all the qualia (tastes, smells, colors and textures) of things we witnessed, must all those details be stored in physical neurons inside our brains? What if the neural components of a detailed memory (such as every note of a symphony or recorded song, or the ability to play back a vacation in the head, or to imagine alternate realities in dreams) are pointers to a storage location in the “cloud” – i.e., in the spiritual realm? That way, the pointers are much smaller and simpler. The full data are in the “cloud” (which, by the way, surrounds us and is not in some far off location). Pointers can be corrupted or lost deep in memory storage; sometimes the brain’s “search engine” can find them or correct them. But the actual data might be non-physical. Could this help explain terminal lucidity in those with dementia? (See 7 May 2024.) For non-materialists, who believe in substance dualism anyway, this idea seems like a possibility. It might explain the survival of our memories after our physical brains return to dust. What do you think?

October News
Note: Reporting will be sparse and stories shorter during the month of October 2024 due to some pressing matters requiring the Editor’s attention. Please avail yourself of the rich collection of past articles in the Archives. One easy way is to click on your favorite Category in the menu bar (or on the “Explore Topics” section—scroll down to see this on the front page) and read all the latest articles on that category going back years. Another way is to look at the “Popular Posts” section, the Author Profiles (click on an author to see all his or her articles), or check out the “Archive Spotlight” section, which changes each time you refresh the page. Then there are the Scientist Biographies, the Baloney Detector, the Darwin Dictionary and other features to explore. There’s no need to suffer CEH withdrawal symptoms this month!

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