AiG: The CEH Influence
Answers in Genesis has cited material
from us for years. Here are examples.
CEH has cited material from other creation organizations regularly, including Answers in Genesis. It’s only logical they would return the favor to content creators like us. We appreciate our fellowship with all the major creation organizations.
As we occasionally call attention to articles written by or about editor David Coppedge at other organizations, today we look at some from Answers in Genesis. AiG is a large and well-known creation organization that publishes a website and creation journal, publishes podcasts and videos by Ken Ham and others, and built a major creation museum in Kentucky – plus a full-size replica of Noah’s Ark. David is personal friends with some leaders and scientists at AiG.
A search for the name “Coppedge” turns up these links:
NASA Worker Sues to Share Beliefs (April 2010). AiG followed the JPL lawsuit before it was concluded.
A Look at Some Figures (June 1978). The unnamed author drew from material by James F. Coppedge’s book within a few years of its publication. Terry Mortenson also referenced the book in 2005. (James is David’s father.)
News to Note (March 3, 2012). Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell wrote about the JPL trial as it was starting.
News to Note (December 10, 2011). Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell reported on the judge’s decision to reject summary judgment in the Coppedge case.
Antony van Leeuwenhoek: Creation “Magnified” Through His Magnificent Microscopes. In August 2012, Dr Alan A. Gillen and Douglas Oliver cited our biographies of Leeuwenhoek published at CEH and also in Christian History magazine. Dr Gillen cited it again in 2023.
An Evaluation of Astronomical Young-Age Determination Methods I: The Solar System (2019). Astronomer Danny Faulkner referred to David Coppedge’s ICR article about Enceladus in his paper in the Answers Research Journal.
Parasite DNA? (April 2022). Harry F. Sanders referenced Sal Cordova’s article “Some DNA May Act as Computer Memory” published here at CEH January 30, 2018.
Why the Miller–Urey Research Argues Against Abiogenesis (Bergman, 2004). Dr Bergman, a frequent contributing author at CEH, mentioned a paper by James Coppedge about left-handed molecules written way back in 1971 and published by the Creation Research Society two years before his book was published.
The Big Bang? (Dec. 2010). Roger Patterson referred to David Coppedge’s ICR article about about globular clusters in this excerpt from chapter 2 of his book Evolution Exposed: Earth Science that was published by AiG.
There could be more citations from us in books and periodicals published by AiG that are not online.
We know that many at Answers in Genesis read our material, and we appreciate the hat tips to us over the years. When creation groups link to each other it can be a force multiplier for getting the word out about creation vs evolution. While AiG has a huge following and a lot of money, our modest enterprise at CEH has a strong point that benefits all Darwin skeptics: rapid reporting on news from major journals and science news sites that relates to origins, creation, evolution and intelligent design. In our nearly 25 years of reporting (since August 2000), we have amassed a catalog of searchable original content that adds up to an estimated volume that could fill 100 books, not counting 50 biographies of famous scientists. We hope that friends at AiG will continue drawing from our unique resources in this mission to provide answers in Genesis against unbelief and return glory to God for his revelation in nature and word. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).