Flight: If You Can’t Evolve It, Model Your Imagination

This is silly. A robot model with outstretched arms cannot begin to say how dinosaurs took wing.

Amino Acids Found in Cretaceous Amber

If this doesn't take the cake for soft tissue preservation: intact amino acids in amber said to be 100 million years old!

Photosynthesis: Darwin’s Great Mystery Is Still a Mystery

Dr Jerry Bergman explains why the origin of photosynthesis remains a profound problem for evolution.

Young Solar System Evidence Pops Up Everywhere

If the solar system formed more recently than believed, Darwinism is dead. Look how widely scattered the evidence is.

Natural Selection: Darwin’s All-Purpose Magic Wand

If it exists, it evolved. How? By natural selection. How does that work? It makes things evolve. That's all you need to know.

Neanderthals Were Just Another Ethnic Group of Real People

It's taken more than a century, but scientists are now promoting Neanderthals to their rightful place in the modern human family.

Asian Languages Approach Biblical Timeline

Origin of the Sino-Tibetan language family about 5,900 years ago? Yeah, that's about right, within error.

Remarkable Resuscitations

Doctors and families should not be too quick to unplug a comatose person. Look what can happen.

The “Population Bomb” Bombed

Paul Ehrlich's 1968 Malthusian prediction of mass starvation due to increasing population was not only wrong; it was dreadfully harmful.

Calling Something a Whale Doesn’t Make It a Whale

This absurdly hyped fossil is a WINO— Whale in Name Only. Dr Jerry Bergman gives it a reality check.

Moon Losing Its Water

The moon loses more water than it receives from the solar wind or meteorites. How long has that been going on?

Debate Is Over: Saturn Is Young

Scientists have run out of options to keep Saturn and its rings and moons billions of years old. It's time to face the music.

Leading Darwinist Advocates Breeding Humans with Chimps

A leading Darwinist advocates breeding "humanzees" to prove evolution. It was tried before to science's disgrace.
Blue lupines are legumes that fix nitrogen in the soil. Photo by David Coppedge.

Two Resurrections Celebrated

For Easter, Illustra Media has produced a short film that dazzles the eyes with nature's beauty as a metaphor for resurrection.

Answers for Skeptics of Jesus

As Easter 2019 approaches, here are some resources examining the evidence of Jesus and his resurrection.
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