What Makes Good Friday So Good?

La Mirada films reinforces the victory of Christ over death in a series of educational, inspiring films.

Free Creation Films Easily Shared

At the John 10:10 website, La Mirada offers s spectacular selection of great faith-building and apologetics films.

Mechanical Engineering in the Skeleton

Dr Henry Richter explains some of the design requirements for having a skeleton.

How Creation Can Uplift the Church

Here are three vivid examples of how the doctrine of creation can empower and uplift the church.

Creation Uplifts the Church

There are numerous ways that the Bible doctrine of creation provides benefits to the church. Part 1 of 2.

Creation Helps One Endure Hardship

Jeanne Tomlinson shares how she learned that creation helps a person endure suffering and trials.

Archive Classic: Where Do Gems and Precious Metals Come From?

How did gems and precious metals get to the Earth's surface?

Words of Wisdom from Wildflowers

Springtime is here and the wildflowers are blooming. What lessons can nature lovers learn from these beauties?

Mencken’s Law at Work in Science

The intuitive solution to a problem can be actually more harmful than the problem itself.

The Non-Evolution of Birds

Dr James F. Coppedge tells an example of a bird whose all-or-nothing migration cannot be explained by evolution.

Wonders of the Immune System

Medical science and physiological research has barely begun to understand all of the facets of the human immune system.

Questionable Categories of Human Ancestors: The Denisovans

What happens when you derive a whole people group from a fingerbone? Confusion and every evil work.

Otter Not Call This a Walking Whale

A skeleton of an extinct creature was found on the coast of Peru. Evolutionists are all calling it a walking whale.

Gender Dysphoria and Darwinism, cont.

Dr Bergman continues discussing scientific research about sex and gender, describes historical gender roles, and explains how the media distort the science.

Gender Dysphoria and Darwinism

Dr Jerry Bergman discusses the historical view of sexuality and gender with modern trends.
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