Mammals The Human in the Elephant Room April 14, 2023 Man: domesticate thyself. Make like an elephant. Or, maybe humans already did. Or elephants did. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionists Wing It with Stories April 13, 2023 Flight? No problem. Wings pop into existence like eyes and everything else. CONTINUE READING
Birds Common Birds Astound Scientists April 10, 2023 Look at some denizens of your garden or town and be amazed. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Darwin Media Competes for April Fool Award March 31, 2023 They didn't realize they were taking part in a competition, but here we let our readers judge the winners. CONTINUE READING
Botany Illustra Media Showcases the Wood Wide Web March 28, 2023 The ways that plants communicate through underground fungal networks is illustrated in a dazzling new short film. CONTINUE READING
Amazing Facts Life Is Devolving from a Past World of Giants March 20, 2023 Almost every type of organism was larger in the past. Why is the world impoverished of giants today? CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology How Secular Institutions Can Do Design Science March 7, 2023 Design science is done any time a scientist assumes a purpose and looks for it. No overt appeals to religion or ideology are needed. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Silly Darwin Stories Continue March 6, 2023 Macroevolutionary theory is in tatters, but it hasn't stopped Darwin storytellers from fantasizing. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Lies Evolve about Life Origins February 15, 2023 Evolutionists won't quit confabulating to the public. They should know better, but their lies keep coming. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Mistaken Identity Embarrasses Evolutionists February 6, 2023 Anyone can make a mistake identifying a fossil, but Darwinism sometimes leads scientists to see what they want to see. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Body Designs Not Often Considered January 24, 2023 There's more going on under the skin and on the skin than we know. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Instant Mammals? LOL! January 23, 2023 These evolutionists are either starting a new Darwin comedy show or are seriously deprived of logical thinking. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Dolphins Celebrated in Illustra Short Film January 22, 2023 One of the fascinating segments from Illustra's documentary Living Waters, "Dolphins!" delights the senses in a short re-release. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Fire the Useless Darwinists January 17, 2023 Science will gain more respect if it terminates the Darwinians. They could serve society better as truck drivers or laundry workers. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life The OOL Tease: NASA’s Ponzi Scheme January 16, 2023 If you buy into NASA's perennial search for the origin of life, you'll lose it all. There's no collateral. CONTINUE READING